Registered: 17th Apr 02
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The boy racers Guide
Registered: 24th Jan 04
Location: Darwin, NT Australia.
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....turbo is bolted onto exhaust manifold. thats not entirely true.............
Registered: 28th Aug 02
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very funny lovin the bigger engine size quote, where do they get this info from hehehehe
Registered: 28th Aug 02
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NAFF????? who on here uses the word naff? god it gets better!
Registered: 24th Aug 00
Location: Essex, Colchester
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This is years old about ive got the book
Registered: 24th Oct 03
Location: Macclesfield, Cheshire
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Why is it that everyone who mods their car is classed as a boyracer?
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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Registered: 16th Apr 02
Location: Oop north.
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Why is it that this person who has written this site decided to go along with the stereo typical image of "boy racers" and then go on and paint every one with the same brush?
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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i hate being branded as a boy racer, nottin against them like, just i tend to see boy racers as those who go into car parks, do a few burn outs, handbrake turn all over the place and then go racing on the roads.. i get told i'm a boy racer yet i don't do any of the stereo typical things they do. when i try n explain that to them they don't understand it. the police r the worst for this, they see a modded car n straight away think "ello ello ello, what do we av ere?! a boy racer waitin to cause trouble"
Registered: 16th Apr 02
Location: Oop north.
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I have to admit i hate this also. I have found that it is people who are uninformed individuals who really have no idea the time and effort that goes into what we do and enjoy. If people just came along and spoke to us i'm sure that they would find that we are just normal human beings with an intrest.
I've found quite a few police persons who are very intrested and are a good laugh when it comes down to it and they actually take an intrest in what we are doing and it usually turns out for the best.
Its generally the people who drive like arse holes who give us ALL a bad name its just such a pitty that its all of us. I'd love nothing better than to distance myself from this boy racer image.
[Edited on 24-02-2004 by Paul]
Registered: 24th Oct 03
Location: Macclesfield, Cheshire
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quote: Originally posted by CorsaLad16v
i hate being branded as a boy racer, nottin against them like, just i tend to see boy racers as those who go into car parks, do a few burn outs, handbrake turn all over the place and then go racing on the roads.. i get told i'm a boy racer yet i don't do any of the stereo typical things they do. when i try n explain that to them they don't understand it. the police r the worst for this, they see a modded car n straight away think "ello ello ello, what do we av ere?! a boy racer waitin to cause trouble"
I also hate being branded a boy racer, but I can't stand them. To me they are Burberry cap wearing pikey bastards who try to race everything on the road in their 1.0 nova, fiesta etc. They give us car modders a bad name IMO. Take this for instance. Last Tuesday I got home from holiday about 10.30pm, so I went to McDonalds for some food with my missus being late an all. Went through the drive through and there was a few of them hanging about on the car park looking at me as I drove past. One of them got in his car and followed me and was up my arse till we got to the carriage way and then just shot off!! I mean he was driving a shite 1.2 clio with a 16v badge stuck on, it was p*ss slow. What is the point in that?
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
User status: Offline
ok i change my mind about having nothin against them, just remembered about yesterday, went to maccy d's on the way bak home from lincoln, was about 7.15pm n the carpark was full of boy racers thinkin their all that n showin off. i decided to leave coz a bunch of them were sat outside maccy d's smashing things up.. as i left i had a road cone thrown towards my car n i had to swerve to miss it, gd job i did!
i know a few of the ppl that go up2 drakehouse retail park near me at night n i no they dont go there to show off unlike some of the others that do, gaurenteed if i open my bedroom window around 10pm-11pm i can hear tyres screeching n engines revving away.
so i retract my statement about having noffin against them
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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yeah my sister calls me a boy racer! I was trying to explainthe difference between us and them, but she just didnt get it. I drive round town once at night after work, sometimes twice to see who's around, but i dont do loads of laps or intimidate other road users. The police in my town aren't too bad either, i had a chat with the 2 guys that stopped me last week for overtaking an offduty policeman out in the country (Wasnt a dangerous overtake, just a little bit quick ) and they had a genuine intrest in my car, asking what id done, how much it had all cost, and then there was the usual "couldnt you have saved up and bought a better car to start with?" thing. 
[Edited on 24-02-2004 by drunkenfool]
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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I get called one, but i aint - not anymore