Registered: 13th Sep 03
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howdies all,
can anyone think of any films that have been re-released/mastered for cinema? (not re-made like the yank version of the italian job )
Only onces i can think of is -
Starwars trilogy
and The exorcist
im sure more have been re-released over the last 5-10 years or so 
tar all anyways,
p.s - dont ask why im doing this
Registered: 20th May 02
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original italian jobs was remastered for cinimar and released on dvd couple pf years back
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what about star wars? didnt they bring them back at the cinema or summat, or am i just thinkin of the trilogy pack thing they did?
Registered: 16th Sep 03
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close encounters of the third kind (i think) think they did a 2001 a space odyssey
[Edited on 29-03-2004 by dirtymagician]
Registered: 5th Mar 03
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ignore that, just as i pressed to send it i read in VisableMans post lol oh well, carry on
Predator Corsa
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Ocean eleven
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close encouters and space odyessy 
yea slalad, starwars triology was remastered back in 1997/98 (somewhere around then).
however, oceans eleven was remade when re-released/mastered, i mean like ET where the enhanced the gprahics, sound, special effects etc
alright cheers all, time to do some reasearch on them 
p.s - if anyone else can think of others the please say btw, was Blade runner re-mastered for cinema? or was it blade? im sure one of them came out again 
edit: btw, italian job was re-mastered for VHS/DVD and not for cinema lucky though, otherwise my whole media studies coursework would be screwed, i nearly shat myself when you posted that JR 
[Edited on 29-03-2004 by VisibleMan]
Registered: 16th Sep 03
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire
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blade runner was re done but i think it was the directors cut, not sure if they remastered it at the same time
Registered: 10th Jul 02
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i am sure Army Of Darkness got a limted re-release late 1998 it was the directors cut,
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quote: Originally posted by dirtymagician
blade runner was re done but i think it was the directors cut, not sure if they remastered it at the same time
blade runner was released as a directors cut, no more no less
Registered: 16th Sep 03
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire
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have just done a google search on this and found a lot of forums asking for a remastered version of blade runner so it must just have been the directors cut
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quote: Originally posted by dirtymagician
blade runner was re done but i think it was the directors cut, not sure if they remastered it at the same time
hmmm....similar to aliens uncut then director uncuts are dodgy grounds, because they are remastered for dolby digital, special effects etc. But they arnt the same as the original obviously so are they a re-master/release or are they a remake (not to the extremes of the italian job, oceans eleven etc)?
anyways, ill look it up,
Registered: 16th Sep 03
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire
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army of darkness wasnt remastered was it? ive got it and it sure dont look that way lol
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
quote: Originally posted by dirtymagician
blade runner was re done but i think it was the directors cut, not sure if they remastered it at the same time
blade runner was released as a directors cut, no more no less
so it was the same to the original film? why did they call it the directors uncut then? 
if it is the same, then nice one mate but if not then it dodgy grounds (according to brief etc etc).
Registered: 10th Jul 02
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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the orginal bladerunner is shorter than the directors cut by about 14 minutes, and the has a voice over for harison ford's character
The directors cut re adds harison's voice into the file
Registered: 10th Jul 02
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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quote: Originally posted by dirtymagician
army of darkness wasnt remastered was it? ive got it and it sure dont look that way lol
as i said it was'nt re-mastred just re-released as the directors cut
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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ok, im sure sethon/dirtymagican posted that the directors uncut was different and yesh it was 
- US sneak preview, (1982, very limited release in 1991)
- US theatrical release (1982)
- European/LD cut (more violence)
- Director's Cut (1992)
Violent version:
- added footage
- Batty sticks his thumbs in Tyrell's eyes, which bleed copiously
- More of Pris kicking and screaming when she is shot by Deckard.
Director's Cut vs 1982 Cut:
- added footage
- a few seconds added before Deckard gets his seat to eat sushi
- unicorn scene when Deckard plays piano and falls asleep (about 12 seconds)
- a few seconds added of Zhora lying dead on the floor [not 100% sure]
- removed footage
- possibly a bit when the spinner starts to bring Gaff and Deckard to Bryant
(not sure about this)
- no happy end, movie ends with closing elevator door
- no added violence as on LD
Soundtrack completely redone digitally for the Director's Cut, and is more
so i cant use that but hey, cheers all ill look at the other
Registered: 16th Sep 03
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire
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yeah i know whatcha mean, i was alway sure the "directors cut" of blade runner was actually the version which was changed as they added extra footage to it and called it the directors cut. I could be wrong though please correct me if i am
Registered: 16th Sep 03
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire
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as i said it was'nt re-mastred just re-released as the directors cut
i wasnt looking for directors cuts i was just ooking for remastered versions thats why i got confused
[Edited on 29-03-2004 by dirtymagician]
Registered: 10th Jul 02
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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Alien was re-released last year, It was the directors cut/Laser Disc Edition
Registered: 10th Jul 02
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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when ever a directors cut is released they remaster the tapes, and recut it, for example Star Wars where as lucas wanted them to be seen, and it was a taster for the new trilogy,
Registered: 16th Sep 03
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire
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when ever a directors cut is released they remaster the tapes, and recut it, for example Star Wars where as lucas wanted them to be seen, and it was a taster for the new trilogy,
i didnt know that
Registered: 16th Sep 03
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire
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i think full metal jacket was remastered and clockwork orange was as well and put back in cinema. and texas chainsaw massacre?
[Edited on 29-03-2004 by dirtymagician]
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by dirtymagician
i think full metal jacket and clockwork orange was remasted as well. and texas chainsaw massacre?
alright cheers mate 