Registered: 1st Dec 03
Location: Northampton Drives: Pug GTi-6
User status: Offline
does anyone no of any good delivery companies that specialise in car parts, eg engines, gear boxes etc etc. coz i need to find a company that can collect and deliver a X16XE , gearbox etc etc. Its about 2-3hr round drive.
thanks in advance peeps
Registered: 7th Feb 01
Location: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
User status: Offline
strap it onto a pallet, and lots of companies will do it.
it's a specialist item due to the weight.
health and safety reg.s say that by law you don't have to lift anything over 25kg, equivilent to a bag of cement.
random guess, but say the engine weighs 130kg, technically that's a 6 man lift.
if you have means to lift a pallet at both ends, then it should be pretty simple.
a good alternative though is to hire a man with a van, and make sure there are plenty of people to lift on when he picks up, and plenty at the other end to lift off when he makes the drop..
it'll also need to be secured down well so check he has ratchet straps or similar.
your local paper or the yellow pages
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: plymouth Drives: Astra Sport
User status: Offline
I used a company called 'kays transport' they are local to me, but are part of the 'palletwise' network. Look in your yellow pages for whoever local is part of that. I paid about £45 for a 3 day delivery. Its obviously got to go on a pallet, if not your looking at a special trip by a man and a van and a huge bill!
Registered: 15th May 02
Location: North West Drives: Rev3 MR2 Turbo
User status: Offline
u can lift the engine/box with 3 of u as thats wot me n my m8s did when they dropped the engine/box off