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Author Ebay problem

Registered: 14th Jan 03
Location: Feltham, Drives:16v 1.6 Zetec Escort
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   28th Sep 04 at 15:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Can you lot read the below, its a bit lengthy and you need to start at the bottom as it has been email sent and received. Yes i know its only Valve caps but they were free with the aerial and they were not sent, just want some decent customer service!!!!!!! Do you think ive been a bit too harsh.


It has now been over a month since I purchased the below from you. I received the Aerial on the 02/09/04 but without the valve caps in red. I have sent numerous emails to you requesting when they were posted (below) as you stated as below that you would send them on the 03/09/04, but with no reply. I can except human error on your behalf for not posting them with the aerial but now it is just plain bad customer service, after a month waiting. I did say that if I did not receive the caps within 10 days I would leave bad feedback, in which you took offence to and that has been your only reply, but now I feel fully justified to state that now. If you have had problems with you emails then I fully accept that and take all what I have said back.
Can you please either confirm when you posted them or if you haven't please do so.
Awaiting your positive reply soonest.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 13 September 2004 09:21 AM
Subject: RE: eBay End of Transaction FORD ALLOY AERIAL puma,fiesta,focus,ka,mondeo : (...


I am still waiting for the Red valve caps that were missed off my order from you. As below you said that they would be posted on the 03.09.04 the day I informed you that they were missed. Can you please confirm when you have posted them.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 08 September 2004 2:22 PM
Subject: RE: eBay End of Transaction FORD ALLOY AERIAL puma,fiesta,focus,ka,mondeo : (...


I know we had a bit of a mix up regarding the below emails, but I haven't received the valve caps yet. Can you please confirm when they were posted.

Kind Regards

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 03 September 2004 11:35 AM
Subject: RE: eBay End of Transaction FORD ALLOY AERIAL puma,fiesta,focus,ka,mondeo : (...


I think we have a little misunderstanding here, the email I sent was not intended to be rude or threatening and I apologise if you have read it this way. If I was being that way I would have questioned the £3.00 in which im not, and already have left negative feedback with not receiving the caps. Once I have received the valve caps I will be leaving positive feedback as I would have received all that I have paid for.

Kind Regards

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 03 September 2004 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: eBay End of Transaction FORD ALLOY AERIAL puma,fiesta,focus,ka,mondeo : (...

two things, the first is we are sorry if you did not receive the caps they will be posted out to you today, the second is send us another email, one that does not include any type of threats, we are human after all, if you do not appologize for the first rude email i will leave you the feedback you deserve.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 03 September 2004 10:22 AM
Subject: RE: eBay End of Transaction FORD ALLOY AERIAL puma,fiesta,focus,ka,mondeo : (Item #7917616098)


I have received the below from you. 2 things, 1 is that there are no Red valve caps that should have been included. I have copied the link to the Item below which states "Free valve caps with this order" 2 is that you have left the price tag on the aerial which says £6.99 and you are selling as £9.99. Im not bothered about £3.00 change but future customers may feel ripped off. Please post the Red valve caps within 10 days or negative feedback will be left.

Kind Regards

Registered: 25th May 01
User status: Offline
28th Sep 04 at 15:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ignoring customers is the worst thing ever

but leaving neg feedback for someone with like 50000 positives will be more damaging to you then him

Registered: 14th Jan 03
Location: Feltham, Drives:16v 1.6 Zetec Escort
User status: Offline
28th Sep 04 at 15:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

This is the persons ratings:

Feedback Score: 2644
Positive Feedback: 97.2%

Members who left a positive: 2721
Members who left a negative: 77

All positive feedback received: 2906

Recent Ratings:

Past Past Past
Month 6 Months 12 Months

positive 184 2005 2905

neutral 3 37 41

negative 16 67 80

So what do ya think

[Edited on 28-09-2004 by BARKEY]

Registered: 5th May 04
Location: Skoda Octavia Estate, Ford Puma
User status: Offline
28th Sep 04 at 15:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I don't think this guy cars about negative feedback. He's got 12 in the last month. The only thing i can rec is for you to use Square Trade.

Registered: 14th Jan 03
Location: Feltham, Drives:16v 1.6 Zetec Escort
User status: Offline
28th Sep 04 at 15:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Im not fussed about them now, but just want a reply from them, and have got nothing. Deffo bad service!!!!

Registered: 22nd Apr 04
Location: Shropshire Drives: 1.6 16v Sport
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28th Sep 04 at 17:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

fuck him off m8 negative feedback all the way! he clearly deserves it.

Shouldnt matter whether you spent £3 or £300 he should honour what he said he originally said he would!

Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: Tattershall, Lincolnshire
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28th Sep 04 at 18:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i wouldnt have bought off him in the first place look at his feedback same old same old time again!

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