Registered: 12th May 02
Location: Hereford and Worcester
User status: Offline
do you have the std inlet manifold? if so have you a good seal between that ant the throtle body??
Registered: 17th Apr 02
Location: Drives a Tractor
User status: Offline
That wuring noise is normal, i also had a hole in my inlet trunking, took a year to find, only found it when i fitted my mantzel, good luck sorting it
Registered: 9th Oct 03
Location: Leprechaun Land Drives : Zafira GSI
User status: Offline
i only installed one of these engines in my car the other day... whn i took it out for the first time if i took it over 3000 RPM the thing would chuck and spluter all over the place...... turned out the crank speed/angle sensor was loose.... tightened it up and hey presto brumm brumm 
also i remember on my 1.2 8v the temp sensor caused it to idle al over the place and randomly cut out when stoped at traffic lights.......
Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
User status: Offline
think I will get it running a bit better then get it tech read- however from past experience these things are not very precise and its more trial and error