Registered: 7th Feb 01
Location: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
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congrats Ben
Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
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quote: Originally posted by Laney

Are they sorting out tours and promoting you, or are they just putting your CD out?
Their not sorting out tours as such, but, they are recommending us and referring us to the companies that they deal with that are event organisers so we shall see what comes of that......But yes, they are promoting us.
Registered: 6th May 03
Location: Leeds
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Good stuff
Registered: 17th May 04
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my m8z got a rock/metal/melody band but needs asinger if any1 knows of any1???
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by Tiger
quote: Originally posted by VisibleMan
MINT AS lad 
and the material on your site sounds good, although they seem to be mastered abit shitly (personal opinion) - vocals always seem to be overdosed on reverb and placed way back in the stereofield (Perfect circle shows this), which makes the electric guitar (and bongos/congas in perfect cirlce) seem waaaay too fordward. Plus the tracks seem to have a tad too much compression on certain instruments, especially the drums and percussion tracks.
however, Mr Doe is a great track - the intro is mastered really well, enough reverb and the backing voxs are excellent, especially the layered voxs. But then it kicks in and vocals sink back abit too much and you let everything else drown it, plus things are oddly placed in the stereofield - but in makes a change from the usual kick/bass and vox in centre and everything else placed around them.
sorry mate, getting abit technical (i get like this when i listen to stuff )....but the music is good mate, and you have defo got in at the right time, good luck with it 
p.s - sorry if you get miffed at what i said about tracks, but ive known a few bands/people who have made it and local mags and a few bigs one have ripped the shites out of the mastering etc
The tracks werent mastered at all, they were just compressed and mixed down until we were happy with them........we were all in the studio and the CD sounded great at the time through the true monitors and stuff but obviously everyones stereo performs differently so certain tracks fell away a bit on certain stereos.
To be honest though - we didnt want an overpolished EP because it shows how much room there is for improvement..........This is our 3rd EP now (under different band names) and i think this one is more 'us' than any of them.
What youve said is pretty spot on and the things you picked up on are the same things weve picked up on too.

no probs mate Wasnt being nasty or anything, just picking up a few things that sounded out of place to me, but like you said it means that you have something to work on in the polishing mixes too well means that the grityness of the track(s) is lost etc But it all depends what you want out of it etc 
although one thing i would say, is to get it played on as many types of systems as possible - monitors are flat lined, so they show up quite abit. But as soon as the track(s) hit a pair of HiFi speakers, you start to lose infomation within the track(s), so you might need to boost that area alittle more etc etc Best thing is to a get a really cacky CD player, one of those 10 quid jobbies from tescos etc and if it sounds the muts on that (it is pretty difficult, but you get the idea ) and it sounds the muts on a decent setup then you know you have a winner 
eitherway mate, good luck with the future and hope it all goes well mate one thing though mate, dont let the pound signs ruin your music
Registered: 7th Apr 03
Location: down south
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wicked tunes, im loving it
Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
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quote: Originally posted by VisibleMan
dont let the pound signs ruin your music
Not a chance, pounds just buy the fuel for more creativeness 
Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by T1NK
wicked tunes, im loving it