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Author Night time Pics...

Registered: 23rd Aug 03
Location: Falkirk: Drives:nothing but gettin another Corsa
User status: Offline
21st May 05 at 13:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Felt i should do this in here instead of Preem Vibs...

just had a play with my cam.. when you pop the flash up, and switch to night mode then put the flash back down it turns night mode off

settings i have available for picture/video taking are..

Auto (regularly use this)
TV Shutter priority
AV Aperture Priority

The flash isnt removeable BUT in the Capture menu it has.....

EV Compensation (0)
White balance (Auto)
Ae Metering (Centre)
ISO Speed (auto)
Digital Flash (off)
Colour (Full Colour)
Resolution (5mp)
Compression (*** Best)
saturation (Medium)
Contrast (medium)

In the Setup Menu i have the following options..

Camera Sounds (high)
Eye Start (on)
Focus assist Light (on)
LCD Brightness (indoor)
Instant Review (4secs)
Auto Power off (6mins)

and loads of others but i know what they do

In the Capture Menu is there anything i should change to make the pictures better at night so i dont have to use the flash

Also on Normal picture mode when you focus on something you slightly press the button to take the picture and on the LCD it displays... 1/180 F2.8 and changes with every picture i take... i take it the Camera automatically changes aperture and shutter speed?

Camera in Question is a HP 945 specs are..

5,3MP total
56x total Zoom (8x Optical/37-300mm equiv/7x digital zoom)

also has f2.8-3.1 7.6-61mm written around the lens

Any of this information any use for settin up for night pictures Vibs

Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
User status: Offline
21st May 05 at 16:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by h18_oab
Felt i should do this in here instead of Preem Vibs...

just had a play with my cam.. when you pop the flash up, and switch to night mode then put the flash back down it turns night mode off

settings i have available for picture/video taking are..

Auto (regularly use this)
TV Shutter priority
AV Aperture Priority

The flash isnt removeable BUT in the Capture menu it has.....

EV Compensation (0)
White balance (Auto)
Ae Metering (Centre)
ISO Speed (auto)
Digital Flash (off)
Colour (Full Colour)
Resolution (5mp)
Compression (*** Best)
saturation (Medium)
Contrast (medium)

In the Setup Menu i have the following options..

Camera Sounds (high)
Eye Start (on)
Focus assist Light (on)
LCD Brightness (indoor)
Instant Review (4secs)
Auto Power off (6mins)

and loads of others but i know what they do

In the Capture Menu is there anything i should change to make the pictures better at night so i dont have to use the flash

Also on Normal picture mode when you focus on something you slightly press the button to take the picture and on the LCD it displays... 1/180 F2.8 and changes with every picture i take... i take it the Camera automatically changes aperture and shutter speed?

Camera in Question is a HP 945 specs are..

5,3MP total
56x total Zoom (8x Optical/37-300mm equiv/7x digital zoom)

also has f2.8-3.1 7.6-61mm written around the lens

Any of this information any use for settin up for night pictures Vibs

read your manual

Registered: 23rd Aug 03
Location: Falkirk: Drives:nothing but gettin another Corsa
User status: Offline
21st May 05 at 16:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Cant be arsed it's as thick as a bible

Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
User status: Offline
21st May 05 at 17:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

These are basic settings which set up the camera for a particular type of shot

Landscape - select this when you want to capture mountains fields etc. the camera will auto set ISO, aperture, shutter speed to give you the best landscape shot

Action - will set a high shutter speed to capture action

Portrait -

Video - no explanation required

Auto (regularly use this) - point and click

Advanced modes

TV Shutter priority - you select the shutter speed you require and the camera will meter and choose the aperture for the correct exposure

AV Aperture Priority you set the aperture for your choosen DOF and the camera will meter for the correct shutter speed togive best exposure.

EV Compensation set plus or minus to change expsoure at set fstop or shutter speed - see other thread

White balance - changes white balance see other thread

Ae Metering - read manual

ISO Speed - changes sensitivity for low light see other thread

Digital Flash - seems obvious

The following will be to do with the in camera jpeg processing

Colour - increase/decrease to change levels of colour
Resolution - size of picture (best set on highest)
Compression - size of image (fine, normal jpeg, TIFF etc)
saturation - increase or decrease to change saturation of image
Sharpness - will change the amount of in camera sharpness. best set to normal and do it in photoshop
Contrast - will change levels of in camera contrast to picture

Camera Sounds (high) - bleep sound

Eye Start (on) - not got a clue

Focus assist Light (on) in low light the camera will use a small light to help with focus

LCD Brightness (indoor) obvious

Instant Review (4secs) set this to a low setting to increase battery life. length of time you see the pic on the LCD after taking it

Auto Power off (6mins) - if the camera has a good start up time set this to as low as possible. mine is 1min as starts up almost straight away.

"Also on Normal picture mode when you focus on something you slightly press the button to take the picture and on the LCD it displays... 1/180 F2.8 and changes with every picture i take... i take it the Camera automatically changes aperture and shutter speed"

this is telling you the data for the shot. in full auto it both will change probably depending on where you focus the camera too. on apetrue control the shutter speed will change according to light levels and on shutter priority the aperture will change.

56x total Zoom (8x Optical/37-300mm equiv/7x digital zoom)

also has f2.8-3.1 7.6-61mm written around the lens

8x is the length of zoom you have compared to the widest setting so 8x37mm 37-300 is the equvilent zoom compared to a 35mm (full frame) camera. the f2.8-3.1 is the aperture range of the lens. at it's widest point it's maximum aperture is f2.8 and at the 300mm end it is f3.1. the 7.6-61mm is the actual focal length of the lens but because your sensor is quite small (approx 4.8x smaller than a 35mm frame) you get focal length magnification. a 35mm frame is 1.6x bigger than my 20D sensor so focal lengths are increased by 1.6.

For your night pics set camera to the selected aperture and use tripod with self timer.

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