Registered: 3rd May 00
Location: Madchester UK Drives: 2014 BMW M135i
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by SteveW
LET corsas are amazing.. too light too powerful too much fun
Shame no one has done a 4x4 yet! I reckon the only thing that lets big power Corsas down is the fact they are lofty and they are front wheel drive!
Registered: 15th Jul 02
Location: Up in the clouds
User status: Offline
well yeah if you got a locked diff 4x4 corsa.. then dropped it on its arse and ran 400bhp through it.   
would be a 1/4 monster.. (stripped out, plexiglass windows, carbon bits n bobs.. anything to make it lighter)
Registered: 3rd May 00
Location: Madchester UK Drives: 2014 BMW M135i
User status: Offline
The way forward, but it would cost a serious amount I reckon.
And you would have to be slightly insane!
Registered: 15th Mar 05
Location: Warwickshire Drives: Astra GSi 16v
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2 words: DEATH TRAP 
Registered: 3rd May 00
Location: Madchester UK Drives: 2014 BMW M135i
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by danny-corsa
2 words: DEATH TRAP 

MONEY TRAP also works!
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
User status: Offline
never been in a let.....
I want more power now too............
[Edited on 24-06-2005 by mav]
Registered: 3rd Sep 03
Location: Canvey, Essex Drives : Corsa Sport
User status: Offline
Been in both XE and my let . Mav get a LET
Registered: 6th Apr 00
Location: Euxton, Lancashire
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Kerry
the xe and now the let i think
i remember her mag feature back in 1990 or somat when she was one of the first to have throttle boddies and 17's
bought the car in 96 put a16 with tb in when warranty ran out in 97, then a 20 xe in 98 and the let in 05..............with a few rebuilds in between
Registered: 6th Apr 00
Location: Euxton, Lancashire
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Stu
Hi Lisa
Hows it going? Long time no speak! You probably dont remember me? Stu in the 2.1 litre throttle bodied corsa?
Good to see your cars still on the road! Hows Lawrence BTW?
You should never of sold yours and how can i forget all those times at cheadle and shows
Registered: 7th Sep 03
Location: Wigan
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Siberia
adam... Y? a proper car mean proper repair bills...
you need TB's NOT a LET
he's got TB's
Registered: 7th Aug 02
Location: Nottinghamshire
User status: Offline
Just Novas down the road from me are working on a 4x4 Corsa, have been for ages. Not sure what lump it will be running though, anything less than a LET would be a LETdown... 
Was a big jump for me going from 1.2 to 20XE but now, as they all do, I want LET power. Just preying a decent one lands in a breakers near me! They are all under instruction to call me when one lands 
[Edited on 24-06-2005 by TOMAS]