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Author External Electrics Help i.e Indicators,neons,front & rear lights etc.
Romford Astra

Registered: 13th Aug 01
Location: Romford, Essex Drives:Honda S2000
User status: Offline
18th Nov 02 at 16:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Step by step guide on wiring up indicators on M3 mirrors.

Step by step guide:

Step 1: Feed the wires provided with the mirrors down through the doors, through the black rubber "door to main body" connector. At this point, the end of the wires are now inside the car.

Step 2: *NOTE* (This is only how i done mine, i'm sure there are other places to splice the wires in)
Remove the window wipers, pop-open bonnet and remove the "windscreen cowl" (the black grill like bit below the windscreen). Its joined to the car with about 5 screws.
Remove the water deflector (the bit below the windscreen cowl).

Step 3: Check the colour of the wires used for your indicators, by either pulling out your side repeater, or by looking at the front indicators.

Just below the corner of the windscreen (left hand corner if looking from outside) you'll notice some wires wrapped up with black tape. Unwrap the black tape wrapped around these wires.
Remove about 1cm of the insulation on the wires that are used for your indicators, as to leave the wires "bare". (For the left hand side indicator wires, you have to strip the wires before they are "redirected" towards your engine bay area).

Step 5: Using other wires, splice them into the original indicator wires. Tape up the bare wires. I used wires from a scrappy so that they were colour coded to the original indicator wires - just for ease though.

Step 6: Feed these "newly spliced" wires into the car via the black rubber seal situated behind the fuse box inside the car. ( The other side of this seal/stopper is just below the area where you were splicing the wires in).

Step 7: For the right hand side mirror, its simply a case of splicing the wires with mirrors wires.
For the left hand side, you need to feed the wires to the other side of the car. To do this, simply run them along behind your headunit, if u look at the fusebox, you'll see wires running to your headunit. Then splice your wires together and tidy it all up by using cable ties, tape etc...

Finally: Get the car back together, reconnect the battery, turn on the engine, click on your hazard warning lights, and stand outside and admire.

Suggestion submitted by -Aliba-

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