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Author Changing Headlights

Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
User status: Offline
25th Nov 05 at 11:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Open the bonnet obviously!
Disconnect all the wires from the back of the headlights e.g. indicator, side lights, and main bulb wires.
Undo the 2 bolts that hold the headlight in. They are on top of the headlight and go into the slam panel IIRC. You might want to undo the 2 bolts that hold the bumper on around the grill area just to give you a bit more room to play with as you can then bend the bumper a bit if need be.

Next thing is basically pull and wriggle the headlight out, it might take a bit of doing as it is clipped in to a bracket type affair but just pulls out. Go carefully and gently so as you dont slip and damage yourself or the headlight. It should come out pretty easy with a bit of wriggling around

Take all bulbs out of old headlight and put in the new headlight.
You'll need the headlight adjuster out of your old headlights to go on your new headlights as they dont come with them.
The headlight adjuster should be pretty obvious, its the black thing poking out the back thats missing from your new headlights
Its a ball joint connection so to get it out you have to pull and I mean pull really hard! I had my mate holding the headlight and me pulling on the adjuster and only just got it out then. Maybe thats just my headlight adjusters though, yours might be easy.

Plug this into the back of your new headlights.

Do the opposite of what you did to take the headlights out e.g. wriggle headlight back in carefully, connect wires up, put all bolts back etc. etc.
When putting the new headlight in be careful to get it into the bracket properly otherwise you might snap the plastic bit that is meant to go into it. You'll see what I mean when you come to do it

That should be job done. Then repeat for the other side.

Hopefully I haven't missed anything important as I've just done this off the top of my head from what I can remember when I did it!

Oh yeah, once your headlights are in you might want to fiddle round with the adjusters on the back to get the level of the beam ok for you



[Edited on 25-11-2005 by Ian]

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