Registered: 5th Feb 06
User status: Offline
My father has a vectra sri140 Is there any intake mods like a powercap like for a redtop that fits the ecotec? or anything like the mantzel inlet for the 1.6gsi corsa that fits ecotec 2.0?
If so what sorta power could be expected from these mods?
Anyother decent mods, apart from the traditonal mods like 4 branch, cams, remap etc
tooolbox timmy
Registered: 6th Dec 05
Location: lancashire
User status: Offline
the top hat for the redtop wont fit unfortunatly,but saying that the ecotec comes with a rubber top hat as standard,there are a fair few parts out there available for the x20xev as I happen to have one myself
[Edited on 21-03-2006 by tooolbox timmy]
Registered: 5th Feb 06
User status: Offline
what excatly are these tophats, and what are the benefits, power gains? What part do you have? sorry i don't have a clue about these ecotec's
tooolbox timmy
Registered: 6th Dec 05
Location: lancashire
User status: Offline
to be honest unsure of the benfits as there isnt one available for the ecotec .I have the ecotec in the corsa with a lightweight flywheel and cams,there are various other parts available such as manifolds ,uni-chips and people cable of doing head work
[Edited on 21-03-2006 by tooolbox timmy]
tooolbox timmy
Registered: 6th Dec 05
Location: lancashire
User status: Offline
a top hat just replaces the sfi air box,but ecotecs dont have an sfi air box,so your laughing
Registered: 5th Feb 06
User status: Offline
Is there any good bolt on mods for the intake manifold? Like what there is avaible for the 1.6 xe as so on. The reason i'm not intrested in the head work, cam's and so on is that my father would prefere not to have to touch the head, because the car is running fine, and once the head has been taken off the car, we always found the the engine is never just the same. same goes for any engine, most ppl will tell u that thru experience. If its not broke dont fix it.
tooolbox timmy
Registered: 6th Dec 05
Location: lancashire
User status: Offline
if its done properly,you will see nothing but benefits, -try them for bolt on mods
[Edited on 22-03-2006 by tooolbox timmy]