Registered: 2nd Jul 03
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Remember this from a while ago, wont comment 2 much...
But 90mph + wet driving conditions + high powered car = Idiot.
Mark Petty
Registered: 26th Jul 01
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quote: Originally posted by Ally
Remember this from a while ago, wont comment 2 much...
But 90mph + wet driving conditions + high powered car = Idiot.
Its was a mistake, doesn't deserve a 5 year sentence imo
Registered: 5th Jan 06
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we dont know all the details tho do we? so we shouldnt really comment. that link is bound to be biased, no matter what happened, its the lads dad (i think) and if i was innocent, and pleading guilty would get me a lighter sentance then id do it. because if you are innocent you dont deserve any sentancing, but if thats the closest you are going to get(a lighter sentance) then you are going to opt for the shorter sentance, if that makes sense, im not saying whos in the wrong, i wasnt there, but im also not saying that the legal justice system works, because in some cases it doesnt appear to.
Black Corsa SRi
Registered: 25th May 02
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Well we dont know the whole story and never will but pleading guilty with witness who could say he wasnt racing (if the info on the link is correct) was a stupid thing to do IMO. Plus the whole why would an 200ZX race a car much slower than it and be behind doesn't really hold up, whos to say the fiesta didnt fly past him when he was crusing at 65/70 and he didnt like it so was trying to catch him up. As have most if not all of us on here I have no idea on the circumstances except for what the link says so can only give my opinion so all appoligies if i'm wrong but i think there gotta be more to it all really as why woudl the guy have pleaded guilty no matter what his layer said if he had witnesses to say he wasnt racing and he knew he was innocent it doesnt ring true to me
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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It has been proven from video evidence and timing of a phone call that Stephens brother made, who was a passenger in the Nissan along with his fiancé Louise Johnson that the Nissan was travelling at an average speed of 90mph. Which is a valid point, however we are not disputing that both cars were speeding. We're disputing that both cars were racing. It's near impossible that a Fiesta with the weight of 3 people in, with around 75bhp less than the Nissan would be any match for the Nissan.
does not suggest they were cruising, they AVERAGED 90mph meaning they were doing over 90mph 50% of the accused time.
the fact the fiesta has 75bhp less and is "no match" is not evidence of not racing.
i, in a car with 228bhp, could still "race" a 45bhp corsa and push him into making a mistake, which is what i believe has happened here, yes i wouldnt be using all my power but i could still be racing it.
the evidence given by witnesses saying he was well back from the fiesta i believe to be biased and could be for Numerous reasons, maybe he was a better judge of the road and conditions and slowed down in anticipation for the corner, which would explain why the fiesta lost it and he didnt.
if both cars had been driving sensibley it wouldnt have happened, simple
[Edited on 12-04-2006 by Steve]
Black Corsa SRi
Registered: 25th May 02
Location: ---Stockport---- Drives: Pug 206 Roland Garros
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quote: Originally posted by Steve
if both cars had been driving sensibley it wouldnt have happened, simple
[Edited on 12-04-2006 by Steve]
totally agree
Registered: 14th Nov 00
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Doing 90mph in the rain is ridiculous enough as it is.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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indeed i never push mine in the rain
Registered: 5th Mar 05
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IMO no-one forced leon (fiesta) to race, and he shouldnt - especially with a tyre that shouldnt even be on the road. HOWEVER no-one deserves to die like that.
I used to go to school with Leon and know that this event touched alot of people in our year. RIP Leon
Registered: 12th Apr 02
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Inexperienced driver's acting like idiots.
Stephen Jackson made an example of. He didn't get 5 years for nothing you know!!
I'll see if the case is reported in any of the legal databases...
Registered: 2nd Jul 03
Location: Pontypool Drives: a Skoda
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he will be out in 2 anyway
Premium Member
Registered: 30th Mar 02
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by the time theyve fcuked about trying to figure out if he was actually racing or not he will be out!!!
Registered: 7th Sep 03
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whch side of the story do you belive?
both sides have belivavble storys, but this doesnt make sence......"On the night of the incident with absolutely appallingly wet conditions" then abit further on "the Nissan was travelling at an average speed of 90mph"
so why would you be driving so fast in so bad conditions?
90mph+ is scary in wet wether.