Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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quote: Originally posted by IvIarkgraham
gay's!!!! ive wanted to go to lego land since forever
we went last august aswel for shanes 21'st when he lived in hertfordshire still, pissed it down but still was an excellent day
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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Go to Slough!
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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It was fucking pikey central today!
They jump all the queue's try to go in exits, nick everything in sight etc.
You were lucky you didn't go today kerry - was packed, and pikey central. It was also full of bloody jewish people - the ones who are inbred, with pale faces, dodgy hair, ugly kids etc.
Think there was about 14,000 guests in today. Tommorrow is supposed to be worse 
Tues I don't know? as it may be school incept day.
An example of what the park's like on a normal school day, not on holiday time - it'll only reach maybe 1000 guests, no queues!
Registered: 12th Apr 04
Location: Amersham, Buckinghamshire/Kingston-upon-Thames
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quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
It was also full of bloody jewish people - the ones who are inbred, with pale faces, dodgy hair, ugly kids etc.
????????u cant say this????????????
Registered: 2nd Feb 03
Location: Under your sisters bed
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why not??? its probably true!
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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only the asamic jews? (or whatever you spell it like) - not all jews. Just the bloody inbred ones, i.e. pale face, dodgy sideburn / pony tails at side of face, ugly kids, ginger, stupid noses, hairy faces, big brown spots and horrible teeth etc etc etc.
God I wanted to puke today... full of them again.