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big eck

Registered: 20th Apr 03
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18th May 06 at 19:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote,,2-2045689,00.html

No idea if its a repost but some of you might have missed it

Registered: 18th Apr 02
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18th May 06 at 19:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Dont think many Policeforces with opt for covert cameras again.

Public opinion seems to favour the High Visibilty approach and it sents out a better message

Registered: 6th Jun 02
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18th May 06 at 19:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

At the end they say 'If they decide to paint their camera gray, we want to know why - as we think its a good thing with them being yellow as it slows people for accident hot spot'

Well why fucking change the legislation so they can do anything

It's going to get beyond a joke, I remember when they used to hide them behind signs or walls or tree's and paint them colours which were hard to see.

Twat's if they go back to doing that again.

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18th May 06 at 19:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

P.S. that also means they can have the stuff like catseye cameras with no signage of warning.

Registered: 7th Aug 01
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18th May 06 at 23:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yes but if you look at it another way, should they warn you they are filming you before you rob a shop or something.

Breaking the law is still breaking the law.
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18th May 06 at 23:39   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Depends if the law is right. Speed does not kill, inappropriate use of speed kills. The latter however, doesn't make such a good buzz word slogan.

Registered: 26th Jan 03
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18th May 06 at 23:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Kevin Delaney, the head of road safety at the RAC Foundation, said: “We are concerned that some partnerships will conceal cameras and risk losing the trust of motorists. It makes sense for cameras to be yellow because it slows people down at accident blackspots.”

exactly, if no-one see's them then they might not know of any impending dangers.

yes ok, if there speeding its there own fault if they do get caught or crash out in a black spot, but at least its a warning to help improve safety somewhat, and not just increase the revenue earned.
Rob B

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18th May 06 at 23:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

it looks like the fun will soon be over

Registered: 7th Aug 01
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18th May 06 at 23:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
Depends if the law is right. Speed does not kill, inappropriate use of speed kills. The latter however, doesn't make such a good buzz word slogan.

I agree but unforunteny can not pick what laws are right and which are not.

Just have to grit your teeth and tolerate them.

Registered: 21st Jan 06
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19th May 06 at 00:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

at the end of the day they have been made to follow by not to fucking change them when they feel its needed !

Registered: 19th Jun 01
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19th May 06 at 00:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

it's all bollocks

Registered: 16th Mar 06
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19th May 06 at 01:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It always amazed me when i was in the the UK how they had to tell you that there was a speed camera coming up... i mean, thats defeating the purpose. Hammer it till you see a sign, drop the anchour, cruise past camera at legal speed, then hammer it till the next sign.

Here in SA you wouldnt believe what the coppers get up to to take our pics. We get no warning, the first time u know its there is when a bright flash comes out of a rubbish bin or a bush, no jokes.

Theyve got cameras mounted in bins, back of trucks, BEHIND you on bridges as u go underneath etc etc, keeps us on our toes

Registered: 11th May 02
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19th May 06 at 07:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

its all gay

they have just gone mad round where i live and doing everyone they can for speeding
undercover cars are the favourite now

they pace you as you go to overtake then do you

Registered: 18th Jun 04
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19th May 06 at 07:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i dont speed... this doesn't affect me

Registered: 2nd Jun 05
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19th May 06 at 08:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

To be honest, stick to the limit and youve nothing to be worried about
Rob B

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19th May 06 at 09:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

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19th May 06 at 09:35   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

but if you pass a camera without knowing it then you'll still be speeding...thus still as likely to cause an accident!

only difference is you get a letter through the post a few days later

Corsa C Z20Let

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19th May 06 at 09:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The whole point of cameras is to slow you down in residential and accident black spot areas, so whats the point of them not being visable as they wont be a deterrant in those areas.

Plus, if this happens it will only mean a rise in vehicle cloning where people take the number plates off identical cars so they dont get done for speeding.

Registered: 7th Aug 01
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19th May 06 at 09:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yes but if you do not know where cameras are will it not encourge you to drive at the speed limit all the time.

Registered: 6th Jun 02
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19th May 06 at 09:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Cosmo
The whole point of cameras is to slow you down in residential and accident black spot areas, so whats the point of them not being visable as they wont be a deterrant in those areas.

Plus, if this happens it will only mean a rise in vehicle cloning where people take the number plates off identical cars so they dont get done for speeding.

I thought of a good idea, a LCD style number plate connected to a camera detector (non gps (or gps I suppose)) - which actually detects the camera's.

As soon as it knows its about to pass one, it sends a different plate to your LCD number plate - so instead of say S250LPB it becomes S250LPP

or something. or just blurs one of the characters.

then past the camera it resets the LCD screen back to your old plate.

Registered: 29th Mar 01
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19th May 06 at 09:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jodi_the_g
yes but if you do not know where cameras are will it not encourge you to drive at the speed limit all the time.

it would me as I want my license but their are alot of people out there who would do other less legal things not to get caught.

Registered: 6th Jun 02
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19th May 06 at 10:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have no problem with an ameircan style speeding offence scheme.

I.e. you get caught speeding you pay a fine - the higher the speed the bigger the fine, if you get many offences = larger and larger fine etc

That I'd be fine with, though yes it'd still suck to get caught.

The thing that annoys me is this whole points system - where by accident you can risk your license.

this is why I have a gripe with camera's, as you can be travelling along doing 34 in a 30 - as every one else would've been doing on the same road, then just because your not clued up on the area get nicked from a camera behind a sign.

Corsa E-Tec

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19th May 06 at 10:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

in our town they hide behind bust stops.

you cab just see his yellow jacket.

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