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Author Meshing standard bumper
Romford Astra

Registered: 13th Aug 01
Location: Romford, Essex Drives:Honda S2000
User status: Offline
19th Jan 03 at 18:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Stuff needed:
# A tub of p38 body filler (available from halfords at about £5 a tub. Packets also available)
# Something to cut the mesh up e.g. tin snips, or nail clippers
# An old sheet or piece of cardboard so that u can sit the bumper on whilst working on it.
# Screwdrivers & spanners as usual
# Mesh ( available from metal fabricators at dirt cheap prices, or from most modding shops and ripspeed for about £18 or so)

1st step is to remove the bumper itself. Theres a couple of bolts under the bonnet, 3 or 4 under the bumper, one on either end of the bumper and now for the trickiest ones. These being behind the end of the front wheel arches. To access these, you need to "unclip" a small hatch in the wheel arch lining directly behind the end of the wheel arch itself.

Now sit the bumper on the sheet or cardboard or whatever to protect the paintwork on it. Remove the standard grill, usually held on with plastic clips, easy to remove.

This step is optional; there should be holes left where you removed or unclipped the grill. You can "cut off" this part with considerable ease with a stanley knife or something else suitable. ( This is just so you cant see the holes from the front. Obviouslly looks a lot better with these removed).

Hold the mesh down where you are going to place it. "Shape" or "Bend" the mesh over the curves of the bumper so that you can "stick" it down.

Next step is to trim off the pieces of the mesh that you aint going to need. (You only need a few inches of mesh to hold it in place on to the bumper).
For the top part of the grill, leave plenty of spare for yourself to decide how you want to fix it in place.

Now get the paste and mix up about a third of the stuff as described on the tub/packet. Spread this around the edges behind the bumper where you are going to place the mesh. It doesnt need to be tidy as you are just going to put more on top of it.

Mix up another third of the stuff.

Put the mesh in place, and whilst holding it down, "squash" the ends of the mesh into the filler already on the bumper. The filler should be seeping through the holes in the mesh. To make it more secure spread on top of this the paste you've just mixed up (as to make a sandwich with the filler and mesh). Hold it in place for a wee while then let it go to dry naturally. It should harden up fairly fast, however i would advise leaving it for about an hour or two so that it fully hardens.

Now put the bumper back on the car.
As early stated, the top part of the grill is up to you how you want to put it.
You can either simply cut it where you like, so that it is hidden when the bonnet is shut or you can fold this excess mesh over the metal bit where the two bolts are ( you'll know the area i mean when you are doing it), and using cable ties hold it in place there. There is no real need to fix the top of the mesh to the car itself, however i thought it would be advantageous in some way or another.

Submitted by -Aliba-

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