Registered: 13th Feb 06
Location: Grantham, Lincs Drives: bmw 323i coupe
User status: Offline
as title
have 20cm pioneers in shelf at the mo
think they need replacing, bit old now
upgrading all ice to alpine too, already got H/U, front speakers, sub, amp on the way!
whats best, replace rears in parecel shelf or get standard shelf and put some coaxials in the rear quarters?
Registered: 13th Sep 05
User status: Offline
keep the sound stage up front and ditch the parcel shelf speakers
replace the speakers in the rear 1/4's with coaxails and just run them of the head unit no need to amp the really
Registered: 13th Feb 06
Location: Grantham, Lincs Drives: bmw 323i coupe
User status: Offline
so get a new standard parcel shelf and make some rear quartes for speakers?
Registered: 13th Sep 05
User status: Offline
yes i would get a standard parcel shelf and get some coaxails to go in the standard rear quarter trim positions (have a look in the haynes manual)
[Edited on 30-08-2006 by flash22]