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Author this has to be THE best performance car under £20k

Registered: 22nd Sep 02
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15th Oct 06 at 07:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dom
spunky, dont get me wrong, the engines are pure shex wee and the sound of the dudes V8 in my village is just awsome - but for the uk market where fuel prices are completly stupid, having a 6lt engine that rapes fuel and requires you to remortgage to pop to the get the idea

One of the reasons why the monaro didn't stay over here - lovely cars, but far too costly to use day in day out

no Dom, the ONLY reason the Monaro didnt stay was because Holden/Vauxhall had a strict export agreement on the Monaro. it was basically a live test to work out the benefits of shipping such long distances back to the UK. and it worked. hence now you getting the Alloytec engines in Europe. The Monaro has been exported heavily to the US, rebadged as a Pontiac GTO. and it really isnt that bad on fuel, no worse than your average V8 BMW/Merc/Audi etc etc
fact is, the Monaro was a complete success in the UK, and had acclaim from every motoring journo. and that was essentially a 15 year old car in basic design principle. ancient! except the engine

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » General Chat » this has to be THE best performance car under £20k 23 database queries in 0.0097718 seconds