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Author Fitting adjustable topmounts
Dave A

Registered: 10th Dec 03
Location: County Durham
User status: Offline
16th Dec 06 at 22:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

fitted some today so thought I would post u how its done.....

take a set of eccentric topmounts:

start off by removing the strut from the car and you should have this:

take one of these:

do this:

then cut out each piece one by one allowing the saw to cool down between cuts and you should have something like this:

file off all of the edges until smooth and round(ish) then paint the bare metal with a touch up brush:

then leave the paint to dry and get on with the topmount. remove the old topmount completely and slide the spacer onto the strut:

tighten on the new topnut, as this is a lot taller than the original nut it is now difficult to get a spanner onto the strut so an air ratchet or impact gun is needed to tighten it. doesnt need to be overtight, just enough to pull the topmount down onto the spacer securely:

to set it up onto the car in the standard settings use a vernier calliper to measure the standard suspension topmount on the other side. but tbh its pretty easy to see where the standard position is by eye. Then you should have something like this:

and fully camber/castor adjustable coilovers

[Edited on 16-12-2006 by Dave A]

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