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Author Speedometer Clock set Upgrade guide

Registered: 7th Nov 06
Location: Wallisdown, Bournemouth
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   15th Mar 07 at 21:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Speedometer Clock set Upgrade.

Right, I've decided to write a tutorial on upgrading your standard clocks that lack a rev counter.
I've successfully managed to swap mine, but I've came across a selection of issues before I had the end

1) Sourcing your upgraded clocks

First thing you really need to do, is take a look at your current clocks and identify if they are
cable driven or electronically driven.

Q how do I do that?

A the easiest way to tell is by looking at the speed scale:

* if your clocks start from 0 onwards they are electronically driven

* if your clocks start from 10 onwards they are cable driven

(if anyone knows different please say)

Many people me included source their upgrade clocks off ebay. This usually is okay, but always check the scale.


0 -> = Electronic

10 -> = Cable

if there is no image on the auction ask the seller!

2) Identifying which engine type your upgraded clocks work with

I encountered another problem when it came to the upgrade.

I'll jump about a bit here,

After fitting my clocks it appeared I could only get 1k revs max when giving the car some juice. I checked
all cabling to make sure there was a full connection.

After milling around on here looking for an answer I found a thread, it mentioned someone else getting only
1k revs. The post below on the thread mentioned about how Diesel & Petrol clocks are different. This was the
reason why my rev counter wasn't showing the right reading.

Q How do I know if my clocks are petrol or diesel?

A Well, after looking at the difference it seems that the easiest way to identify which engine they fit is by
the rev counter scale.

from my observation it seems:

* Diesel scales from 0 to 6k

* Petrol scales from 0 to 7k

(if anyone knows different please say)

3) Removing the old clocks

This tends to be the tricky part, Often lower spec corsa's tend to have parts left out, or only partially installed.

This was the case when installing my new clocks.

First off carefully unscrew the cowling around the clocks and the ignition barrel.

Once you've removed them you should have the clocks sitting in position, then unscrew the clocks so they are free.

(make sure you've removed the screws else you'll get scratched to pieces)

Next, if your clocks are cable driven you will have to un clip the drive cable from the back of the clocks, this
can be tricky due to limited space.

Once you have done this you can prise the clocks away from the electronic connector block
(electronic clock installers, don't need to worry about cable removal)

Carefully remove the clocks from the dash, taking care not to damage wiper / indicator arms.

4) The Pea green wire!

A lot of searches on here will bring up the pea green wire, what's everyone talking about?
well basically this is the wire that's linked to the coil in the engine bay. As far as I know all corsa's have
them but on lower spec models they aren't wired to the rear block at the back of the clocks.

To find this wire, remove the panel in the drivers side footwell, this will reveal the ECU, and a who confusing
bunch of cables. My corsa had about 4 pea green cables!

Looking at the connector block from the clocks you can identify certain wires, for instance a white and brown wire.

down by the ecu away from the jumble of wires there will be a collection of around 9 wires that run into a connector block.

There should be a pea green wire with the the collection of 9 wires, but it doesn't continue out the other side of the connector.

This is where you remove the cable from the connector, and set about re-routing it.

You can get any wire really, and make sure there's enough to lead up to the connector behind the dash. To make things easier
simply remove the fuse cover below the light controls, as it provides more light.

Once your wiring is up near the clock connector you need to know which slot to put the cable into.

It seems:

* petrol clocks are wired into the 5th along from the left on the top row

* Diesel clocks are wired into the 3rd along from the left on the top row

(once again need confirmation)

To guarentee a success, you should ideally source a copper pin to wire your cable into rather than leaving a loose wire.

to check simply place the new clocks into position and make sure the electronic section is pushed onto the connector,
start your engine and give it a rev.

(make sure if your clocks are cable driven, you reconnect the cable)

Should it work, simply put your dash back together and screw it in.

Hope this helps, feel free to add any experience or correct any mistakes


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