Corsa Sport » Message Board » General Chat » FOA Any Qualified mechanics or those that know alot about exhausts.

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Author FOA Any Qualified mechanics or those that know alot about exhausts.
Dr Pepper

Registered: 21st Sep 02
Location: oxford Drives Renault Clio RS200
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22nd Mar 07 at 15:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Bit of an odd question this but I just wanted to guage an opinion.

On a bmw cooper s - could fitting an aftermarket backbox(miltek) cause the cat converter to snap off of the manifold.

Intersted to know if anyone thinks it would be possible to prove the back box to be at fault for the problem.

As you might have guessed - I am having warrantee issues.
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22nd Mar 07 at 15:51   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The backbox couldn't cause it as such, but the removal of the old one could.

Was the backbox fitted by BMW, and is it approved by warranty?
Dr Pepper

Registered: 21st Sep 02
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22nd Mar 07 at 16:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Robin
The backbox couldn't cause it as such, but the removal of the old one could.

Was the backbox fitted by BMW, and is it approved by warranty?

It was not fitted by bmw - it is not warrantee aproved..... however - bmw are going to have to prove that the backbox is at fault - they cant just reject the claim because of non gm parts.... the parts have to be proven to have caused a fault. They have carried out two other warranttee repairs on the car with this part fitted on there - although neither one of these repairs actually related to the exhaust system.

The backbox is not actually covered under guarantee anyway - it is only from the cat upwards that is covered and they do not specify that you have to have bmw fit a backbox for you

[Edited on 22-03-2007 by Dr Pepper]
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22nd Mar 07 at 16:04   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dr Pepper
the parts have to be proven to have caused a fault.

No they don't. Any part which is not allowed by BMW warranty will void the warranty.

They may well have repaired it twice before, but like you say, the part wasn't directly related, so they probably just decided to ignore it.

It'll be on the small print of your warranty agreement.

Don't think you stand a chance TBH
Dr Pepper

Registered: 21st Sep 02
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22nd Mar 07 at 16:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Robin
Originally posted by Dr Pepper
the parts have to be proven to have caused a fault.

No they don't. Any part which is not allowed by BMW warranty will void the warranty.

They may well have repaired it twice before, but like you say, the part wasn't directly related, so they probably just decided to ignore it.

It'll be on the small print of your warranty agreement.

Don't think you stand a chance TBH

I know what your saying mate... but... BMW accept that they have to prove a fault arising from the part to void the repair... I have this in writing and the customer service manager has just confirmed this as well.

They are indeed trying to wriggle out of the repair - And I too dont think I stand much of a chance............but thats not going to stop me having a bloody good go.

There is no way I am just taking their word for it that the exhaust "may have had an impact" - i want them to give me some proof- at the end of the day if I have to pay then there is not much I can do about it but thats not going to stop me being a big pain in their arse.

I have just had the best part of a new engine under warrantee due to a faulty oil light and oil leak- they tried to wriggle out of that one because I had an induction kit on the car - saying the increase of inducted air could have caused the fault - they could not prove this though and when I threatened to get both my lawyers and k & n lawyers involved they eventually payed for the repair - £3000 worth
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22nd Mar 07 at 16:22   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think they'll have a very hard time actually backing up their claim with hard evidence, so you may well be ok, especially if they've said they have to prove it (which is a silly thing for them to say )

Registered: 6th Sep 03
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22nd Mar 07 at 16:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i always thought that if you replaced something with a none standard part, it voided the warranty for that area (exhaust, suspension, etc)
Rob H

Registered: 28th Oct 00
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22nd Mar 07 at 16:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Think legally they have to prove it (Vauxhall's warranty dept. said pretty much the same when i enquired about the same thing before fitting my backbox).

TBH as long as the mounts for the BB don't cause the whole exhaust system to be skewed, put a force pushing the whole system towards the cat/backards or anything like that, i can't see there being a problem .

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22nd Mar 07 at 16:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by RobHayes
i always thought that if you replaced something with a none standard part, it voided the warranty for that area (exhaust, suspension, etc)

Thats what it was like when I worked for Renault..

For example if you lowered your suspension you could have issues claiming warranty for shafts, clutches, gearboxes, shockies, strut tops, bushes, etc etc etc...

Registered: 10th Sep 03
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22nd Mar 07 at 16:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You voided your warrenty by fucking about with the car. You can't do much about it.

Registered: 19th Apr 02
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22nd Mar 07 at 16:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Check the engine mounts, excessive wear on the rear mount of my engine caused the downpipe welds to shear off, probably not a factor on a new car but could be worth a check anyway - if it's that then BMW can't claim its your backbox which is at fault.
Rob H

Registered: 28th Oct 00
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22nd Mar 07 at 16:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Kano
For example if you lowered your suspension you could have issues claiming warranty for shafts, clutches, gearboxes, shockies, strut tops, bushes, etc etc etc...

Lowering does put extra forces on those areas though, so to an extent they do have a point. Dunno about clutches though, that should be down to them to prove really.

Alot of it's down to the dealer and how far they want to push things.

[Edited on 22-03-2007 by Rob H]

Registered: 24th Mar 02
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22nd Mar 07 at 20:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

who fitted youtr backbox you or a garage?
Dave A

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22nd Mar 07 at 20:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dr Pepper
Bit of an odd question this but I just wanted to guage an opinion.

On a bmw cooper s - could fitting an aftermarket backbox(miltek) cause the cat converter to snap off of the manifold.

Intersted to know if anyone thinks it would be possible to prove the back box to be at fault for the problem.

As you might have guessed - I am having warrantee issues.

what you are asking for is impossible. you cant prove it either way, at Vsport when we get a car in that is under warranty we make it very clear and sometimes ask the customer to sign a disclaimer when we fit ANY aftermarket part. Covers us and the company that has given the warranty in the event of something like this happening.

its highly unlikely that fitting the backbox has caused the damage unless the person that fitted it put some huge pressure on the exhaust (swinging on it monkey style) but its probably a fault with the part that has failed.

proving it is going to be tricky though.

[Edited on 22-03-2007 by Dave A]
Dr Pepper

Registered: 21st Sep 02
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23rd Mar 07 at 10:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Bmw could not prove the backbox was at fault, they also could not find any fault with bmw parts.

Therefore there conclusion was that the non standard backbox could have contributed to the fault - but they had no real evidence of this.

We have come to a comprimise where I will only have to pay labour on the repair.... pretty happy with this outcome tbh - saved me £500 on the full price of repair.

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23rd Mar 07 at 12:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

But at the end of the day they are providing you with a warrenty. They are doing you a service and they told you what the terms and conditions are of that service and you decided to do the opposite of what they said to you.
Dr Pepper

Registered: 21st Sep 02
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23rd Mar 07 at 15:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ed
But at the end of the day they are providing you with a warrenty. They are doing you a service and they told you what the terms and conditions are of that service and you decided to do the opposite of what they said to you.

No I didnt- read the post again. I knew fully what the terms and conditions were- I got it in writing from them. They still have to prove non gm parts to be the cause of a fault... they cant do this- they have to pay out.

Manufacturers can have all the terms and conditions they like- but you still have some trading laws on your side as a consumer - you just have to push hard enough to get any response out of these big companies...... screw em - they make enough money as it is.

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