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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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if you hover over the dot at the top on the first image you get a link, and hover over the second in the second image and you get a link.
I cant however think of a way of laying the image link maps on the same image, as the image uses a set map id and without repeating the image i cant think of a way of changing this. Heres my code, you may understand better
$sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM map");
while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array( $sql1 ))
echo '<img src="" width="513" height="550" border="0" usemap="#Map'.$m.'" />';
echo '<map name="Map'.$m.'" id="Map'.$m.'"><area shape="circle" coords="'.$row2['coordx'].','.$row2['coordy'].',10" href="#" /></map>';
echo $row2['coordx'];
echo $row2['coordy'];
If i put the echo '<img src="" width="513" height="550" border="0" usemap="#Map'.$m.'" />'; out side the loop it wont work as the map Id wont match 
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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I'm not clear here - two map.php scripts?
Premium Member
Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
User status: Offline
sorry ian, one generates the image with the dots on the other generate the image link maps to provide a link to profiles.
is working now, just need to integrate my full database as it only contains a couple of records atm.
if you hover over the dot you get the users username and link to theh profile
also need to source a better map picture lol!
[Edited on 25-03-2007 by Steve]