Corsa Sport » Message Board » Regional Groups & Events » Scotland » Mayday Mayhem Autotest, AECC, May 6th

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Author Mayday Mayhem Autotest, AECC, May 6th

Registered: 8th Jan 06
Location: Aberdeenshire
User status: Offline
30th Apr 07 at 20:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Stonehaven & District Motor Club will be holding their “Mayday Mayhem” Autotest at Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre on Sunday May 6th. The event is held annually, although unlike previous years the event is now Clubsport status as opposed to National B, making participation without a competition licence possible. The only prerequisites for entry are now a motor club membership and ownership of a car of some type! Autotesting is a form of motorsport where drivers compete around a course laid out in cones against the clock, with penalties being awarded for touching markers or deviation from the route.

A typical test is shown below (please forgive my skill with MS Paint ops: ):

The solid black line indicates the route you should take going forward, and the dotted black line means you have to reverse. So basically from the start gate you accelerate between the first two cones up to the 3rd cone, where you perform a handbrake turn/drift (depending on vehicle!) 360 degrees round cone 3, and nose into the gate at the top until your front and rear wheels straddle the line. Pop it into reverse and pull a J-Turn so youre going forward by the time you get to the 4th cone, accelerate round the 5th and stop, straddling the line at the finish gate. Piece of piss! You get 2 attempts at each test with a total of 12 tests typically making up the day. The courses are rather tight to keep speeds low and reward driver skill rather than car performance, so a well driven Mini with a good handbrake will wipe the floor with any tuned Jap 4WD stuff... Previous winner Fred Stephen from 63CC below in his Mini Special...

No special equipment or car preparation is required, with many standard road cars making up the entry, and competitors can compete from the age of 14 upwards. For a SDMC membership application form please visit, with Mayday Mayhem information, entry forms and regulations being available from Club Secretary Sue Hynd on 01561 362767 / 07766 302225 or


Roy K.

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