Registered: 26th Sep 01
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Ok this might sound like a stupid question, but i have just taken the fan off inside me pc for cooling the processor, and i cant remeber which way round it goes? I am not sure if it blows air onto the heatsink or extracts the hot air from it!! Any idea which way it goes? dont want my pc to overheat lol!!
Is it this way or other?

Also pc fan is really nosiy, heatsink was caked int hick dust, have cleaned this out now and fan is quieter, but still makes a bit of noise, was wondering are the ultra quiet fans worth it eg sealed bearings etc?
Registered: 26th Sep 01
Location: south
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Actually looks like it is this way, withe the curve of the balded facing in, just put a bit of paper over the back of the fan and it holds it there, would make more sense to blow cold air on the heatsink imo
this looks correct 
might have just answered my own Q , lol if someone could just confirm??
Registered: 9th Feb 03
Location: Stafford
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the fans on individual components usually blow onto the heatsinks to cool them down, this then fills the case with warm air. The case fan's job is to blow this air OUT of the case, so u want it blowing out
Registered: 9th Feb 03
Location: Stafford
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Yes, copy that pic You want the fan to blow onto the heatsink
[Edited on 30-04-2007 by Voyto]
Registered: 13th Oct 04
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so the fan inside the case should be blowing out yeah?
Registered: 9th Feb 03
Location: Stafford
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if thats the only fan in the case then yea. Or you can have front ones blowing in and rears blowing out to create a good air flow
Registered: 1st Dec 03
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quote: Originally posted by Jas
so the fan inside the case should be blowing out yeah?
normally the back fan or one in the roof of the case is an exhaust fan and pulls hot air out of the case, then fan on the side or front of the case is normally blowing cool air in.
The fans on heatsinks should blow air over them
Registered: 5th Mar 05
Location: Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent
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From my experience, the fan always blows towards the plastic grill...not sure if this helps anyone
Registered: 26th Sep 01
Location: south
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Thanks for your help guys, got it blowing in to the heatsink, is 10 times quiter now i removed the matt of dust from heatsink and fan, minging!!