Registered: 28th May 02
Location: ammanford,south wales
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Im guessing youll have to remove plastic inner arches, how is this done? is there a nack to doing it without snapping the clips?
Registered: 14th Feb 03
Location: Sth London
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Just take the wheel off m8! p!ss easy!!
Registered: 31st Jan 01
Location: Edinburgh Drives: Mk3 Golf Gti
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snap what clips ??
2bolts under bonnet
2bolts under arch under the flap
2 jus below that
2 under the front on the corners
3 along the bottom of it
undo middle one under arch aswell to get bumper off
should be bout 4-5 thingies need removing
some turn and theres one u gotta push the lil plug thru before the bolt thing wil come out
^gotta remove the linin before u can get to the other bolts holdin the arch
easier after few goes times
Registered: 11th Nov 02
Location: London/kent
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just take the miidle 1 out then pull em out n bond em bak on
Kris TD
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Ware, Hertfordshire
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its all detailed in the haynes manual, if u dont have one get one, its a good investment, so useful.
Registered: 13th Jan 03
Location: bedfordshire
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The Arches linings are a bastard to remove.
All the bits you have to undo are fairly straightforward.Its just getting the thing out.Prepare for a good hand mangling as you get pissed off with it.
I found brute force helped remove it and refit. There is nothing on them that you could snap. Unless your He-Man!!!
I found jacking the car up made it alot easier to get into the wheel Arch and get tools in to undo the bolts holding the Arches in place.