Registered: 26th Mar 07
User status: Offline
checked the FAQ and it said to use a heat gun but is this actually the best method? im removing the LS badges from the doors on my 97 corsa
Registered: 6th Apr 07
Location: Lisburn, N.I.
User status: Offline
heat gun, or glue and tar remover with a credit card. You could try to use petrol and lighter fluid etc instead of tar remover if ur broke lol
Registered: 16th Jul 07
User status: Offline
I used boiling water. haha.
Don't know how healthy towards the paintwork that is but it did the job just fine.
Big Col
Registered: 8th Sep 99
Location: Ayrshire, Scotland Drives: '00 Astra 2.0 SRi
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i've debaged a few cars now. Always used the kettle full of boiling water method.
Registered: 6th Apr 07
Location: Lisburn, N.I.
User status: Offline
kettle full of boiling water wasnt great for my car - but then again all my mates said that mine was far harder than theirs
Registered: 26th Mar 07
User status: Offline
cheers guys but its all done now and pleased with the results:

i used cotton to saw them off then got the excess off with an eraser and lighter fluid! worked a treat
Registered: 6th Apr 07
Location: Lisburn, N.I.
User status: Offline
eraser and lighter fluid - wot an idea
Looks well mate
Chris F
Show Staff Organiser: East Anglia Premium Member
Registered: 26th Dec 05
Location: Newmarket Drives: Escort Van 1.8
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wow i remember when my car looked just like that