jamie m
Registered: 3rd Oct 06
Location: Ashbourne, Derbyshire
User status: Offline
ok i no you can somehow put a saxo electronic power steering pump on a corsa, but what im wondering is how?
there seems to be abit of play in my corsa rack (non power steering) and the tracking needs doing, i have a brand new corsa power steering rack and new track rod ends in my shed at home from an old project so i was going to fit that and i have found a saxo vtr in the local scrappers i can rob the pump of,
1. how do i test the pump on the saxo before i take it off and buy it
2. what do i actually need off the saxo apart from the pump
3. what procedure do i have to take to fit it to the corsa
i was going to mount my battery in the boot and have the saxo pump there in my engine bay, do i need hard/solid/metal pipework or certain length pipework etc to get it working and whats the best way of wiring it up? cheers jamie, p.s its a corsa sri fitted with a redtop xe on twin 45's