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Author Corsa Sport red top conversion, in black.
geordie alex

Registered: 11th Mar 08
Location: North shields
User status: Offline
14th Sep 08 at 17:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

This is the hardest thing I ever decided to do. Im trying to buy the flat I rent and need money for a deposit. So my corsa is up for sale.

The car is a 1995 Vauxhall Corsa Sport, 2.0 16v Red Top. Ive had the car for just over a year now and have spent most of my time over the last year trying to improve it and get it to the standard that I wanted it to.

Spec :
2.0 16v redtop conversion
Full Pipercross induction kit from a cosworth
Full Straight thru exhaust with Mongoose box- lovely sound to it
New Airflow meter
Rocker Cover - spare black one in the sale
M-Tec driveshafts
M-tec hubs
Timing re-set
new timing belt
New Clutch
New Coil pack
ECU - Superchipped and mapped
New water pump
New oil pump
New ignition control module

The engine is spot on no kocks smoke rattles or problems, when we fitted it and stared it up my mechanic said it was the best red top he had worked on and he has done over 100 vaux engine conversions.

Suspension -
Full FK Coilover set up
Polyflex bushes

Wheels- -
Vaux Cav Slabs - refurbed and ppainted metalic black profesionally
One slight curb mark but im getting that fixed tomorrow

Interior is standard Corsa Sport interior in very good nick, clean no tab burns or stains. Its getting steam cleaned tomorrow anyway.
It has a CD player and 6x9 in the red parcel shelf pioneer 4" speakers in the back and standard 5.5" speakers in the front (ive got some pioneers for the front but didnt get round to fitting them can be included in the sale too if you want em.
The car also has all the cables required for a full install, power, amp sub and component wiring is all in place but not used by me.

Good points -
Very fast, call me to find out.
Good on the fuel when driven sensibly because of the superchip, ive been getting 35-37mpg if I drive like me dad.
individual looks - Chequrboard roof lowered(height adjustable)
Now reliable, Ive only done 1000 miles since the engine conversion and most of that is getting the car to and from garages or mates who have helped me make it. The last 200 miles have been me enjoying it.
There are so many more good points but you will have to call me for them.

Bad points -
The car needs a new CV joint. Knocking but you can get them for £22. I would fix it myself but literally all my money is tied up at the min.
Squeeky alternator belt (just needs a smaller one cos there is no more adjustment on the pas pully)
Dent in the boot - left this as people think its just another banged up corsa - no its a fucking quick piss taker! Ne wboot or my mate will fill and paint it cheap, it has a bung in the wiper hole with the tinyest bit of rust around it (ive got the wiper and mechanism if you want to put it back on).
Dent in the front passenger wing. Size of a 50p.
Front bumper isnt the prettyest thing to look at but its function over style and could do with a touch of paint on some of the stone chips.

I want £2200 but will listen to sensible offers.

Pics will be up tonight but there are some in my wip - Corsa Sport, on

Car has 1 months tax and 6 months MOT. Chassis has 125k and engine has 89k.

There is so much i havnt got the time to mention you'll have to call me for more info because my internet is fucked - 07947331087

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