Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Mk3 Astra Gsi - Now £1600!!!

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Author Mk3 Astra Gsi - Now £1600!!!

Registered: 28th Feb 04
Location: Howden
User status: Offline
9th Nov 08 at 18:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Need rid now boys & girls so £1600 and its yours - reduced once again! Not taking any less then asking price and i dont want to swap for an XE corsa etc

1998 R Diamond black Astra Gsi
88k (87.991 as of 9/11 so will tick over 88k this week - low miles, check on pistonheads for what 100k milers go for!)
8 months mot and 2 months tax
17' masitaly bhp rims (rare) with 2 new tyres up front
-60mm on koni adjustables
white clocks
m3 mirrors
light smoke tints
Single wiper
OMP front ARB
MINT interior
Custom front door pods housing TWIN JBL 17cm components, will leave amp in + wiring but i want to keep my sub
Bodywork wants some TLC as the kid who had it before me was a numpty

2.0 x20xev engine has a panel filter in a derestricted airbox, janspeed 4-2-1 and full janspeed stainless system. it is also superchipped. Previous owner had it RR'd at 164bhp and 178 ft lb of torque

Its got a chalkboard bonnet At the minute and a badly stonechipped grill, i will chuck in a Brand new bonnet and grill with professionally smoothed vents from a bodyshop.

this pulls very well and handles a beaut!

2 new front tyres, 2 new track rod ends as last week, new fuel filter on the floor waiting to be done.

£1600 takes it as low miles are rare - based in East yorkshire

I need this car gone ASAP to free funds up for my impreza, will swap for a 1.4 corsa sport worth about £1000

Someone buy it! This is a bargain

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Mk3 Astra Gsi - Now £1600!!! 25 database queries in 0.0114179 seconds