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Author Bp reports a loss for the first time in 7 years!
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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4th Feb 09 at 15:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Colin
Public transports a joke anyway, I had to get a bus into town one day when my car was in for a service, £1.80 to go about 3 miles. wtf, thats almost 4 quid there & back. Theres no way it would cost anywhere near that to drive my car

Busses suck. In fact, public transport sucks ass, period

You would be suprised

Take your tax, insurance, servicing and consumable costs, fuel, tyres etc....

I thought this about my bike (Vs Train into city). Adding up cost of gear, fuel, servicing etc, i was paying far more than the train..

Adding it all up, cars are not cheap toys anymore

Registered: 4th Apr 02
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4th Feb 09 at 15:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

As would I if going out for a bevy. Ive been out in edinburgh a few times lately & could jump on the bus at Hairy Twat Uni (where I was staying) & go into town center (princess St) for a pound, roughly 10 mile route!! Thats more like it!!

Registered: 4th Apr 02
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4th Feb 09 at 15:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Originally posted by Colin
Public transports a joke anyway, I had to get a bus into town one day when my car was in for a service, £1.80 to go about 3 miles. wtf, thats almost 4 quid there & back. Theres no way it would cost anywhere near that to drive my car

Busses suck. In fact, public transport sucks ass, period

You would be suprised

Take your tax, insurance, servicing and consumable costs, fuel, tyres etc....

I thought this about my bike (Vs Train into city). Adding up cost of gear, fuel, servicing etc, i was paying far more than the train..

Adding it all up, cars are not cheap toys anymore

Im not convinced, if I used public transport every day id spend a small fortune, plus its not outside whenever I need or want it.

Bearing in mind I travel roughly 70 miles every day, id need about 4 buses and a train and a lot of walking just to get to my work. Id also need to leave the house about an hour & half earlier & get back equally later.

Then once your home need to nip to tesco to get some Its going to get expensive!! I'll keep my car
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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4th Feb 09 at 16:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah you northeners have even less transport than we do.

Don't get me wrong, paying more is fine for me, as i've mentioned somewhere else, cars are a luxury, but not a nescessity.

My bike cost me more in total than paying for a yearly ticket (think it was about £1500py on the train). But thats x4 services (4k each), fuel every 3.5 days, tyres every 4000 miles, brake pads, gloves, jackets, trousers, boots (ok these last longer than 1 year), tax, insurance, MOT etc. Final figure was big.

BUT, as you've already pointed out. Having your own transport is SO much better. 2+ hours each way on the train Vs 45min-1+ hour on the bike. Can use my bike on other days, go for rideouts etc... Plus can come n go when I want.

I pay for that luxury
SVM 286

Registered: 13th Feb 05
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4th Feb 09 at 22:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Fuel is expensive yeah....

How much is your litre bottle of coke, or litlre bottle of water?

Petrol doesn't seem so expensive now eh

Pro rata no, but then most people won't be consuming 20 to 80 litres or more of cola per month/fortnight/week/etc.

Plus the above are frivolities and as such surplus to requirements, especially when we normally have good quality drinking water on tap in the British Isles.

I'm sure there are a lot of people that have a car purely as a luxury item, but many many more have to have a vehicle for transport and as such the fuel (along with insurance etc) is a costly neccesity.

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