Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Possiably selling my beloved Corsa Sport 1.6

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Author Possiably selling my beloved Corsa Sport 1.6

Registered: 24th Oct 08
Location: Gainsborough, Lincolnshire
User status: Offline
   12th Feb 09 at 17:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If i don't find a new job soon i'm gunna have to sell my girl.
Really, really don't want to but everyone has to make this desicion sometimes.

Right here is my Sport for you to ponder about buying when i say SALE

It's white, clean and low.

It's a T plate [1999]
Miliage is 66k, so low.
M.O.T - Til late august
TAX - Will be 6 months

This is it's spec;

GSi sideskirts

Plain grill [metal one, not cheap plasic crap]

Clear side repeters

I spent a £1000 on having the engine full serviced, and the top end of the engine re-build at a garage, invoice to prove.

It's lowered 60mm on Koni shocks and springs.

The wheels are brand new from halfords cost me £400.

It is clean under the bonnet, with only a pipercross viper filter fitted [£190]

It has a stainless stell mid section to scorpion back box.

Punto rear wiper.

Colour coded boot grab handle.

Both back wheel bearing are brand new.

It has a Momo Course snap-off steering wheel.

I shall leave the sound system in for an extra £200
That consists of jvc cd player [animated one]
FLI 1000 Watts mono block amp.
Vibe black out twin 12" subwoofers [3200 watts, 1600 watts each]
And just some sony 6x9 [320 watts]

There is probly more but that is off the top of my head.

Base price is £1700 to start.


[Edited on 12-02-2009 by stantonio]

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Possiably selling my beloved Corsa Sport 1.6 25 database queries in 0.0110641 seconds