Registered: 30th Aug 07
Location: Leicester
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I took it to a garage today suspecting to get the wheel bearing changed. Took the guy out in it and he agreed it sounded sort of wheel bearing'y.
So he's whipped it all apart, wheel bearing's fine, drive shafts are fine, CV's fine. He said he can find nothing wrong in that area other than a worn tyre and very low brake pads Funny how there's always something that needs work. (These are actually true, I knew they needed doing).
So what could it be? It's a rumbling noise, when you steer left, only when you steer a fair amount and normally with some power on. But it's not wheel bearing, union joint, or CV. Place your bets!
He reckons it's because I've lowered it, but it made it beforehand.
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
User status: Offline
Strut bearing? When you lowered the car did you replace the bearing on the strut?
Does the noise change in pitch deoending on speed or is it the same once you go over the speed to make the noise?
I know you said it only happens under fast turning.
Registered: 14th May 08
Location: Forfar, Angus
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alternator hitting your chassis? if it only happens when you turn right, it soundslike the pulley is whacking it, only when you've got enough speed for it to move. look next to the pulley see if theres any marks..
Registered: 23rd Sep 08
Location: Cheshire.
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top mount on the front strut ?
Registered: 30th Aug 07
Location: Leicester
User status: Offline
The top mount on my left strut was a bit mullered, and both struts had seen better days tbh. I don't see why it'd make a grumbling noise though.
Don't think it's the alternator, the alternator is miles from anything on my model.
Didn't replace a strut bearing, didn't even know there was one!
Registered: 5th Apr 08
Location: North Wales
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it could well be the wheel bearing just starting to go
Registered: 30th Aug 07
Location: Leicester
User status: Offline
Well apparently not. I couldn't/can't feel any play, so the mechanic whipped it out and checked it to find it's fine. Surely a mechanic would jump at the chance at a couple of hour's labour. He said the CV and drive shafts are fine too.
Registered: 9th Aug 05
Location: Dingwall, Highland
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unevenly worn or feathered tyre
Registered: 30th Aug 07
Location: Leicester
User status: Offline
The right tyre is worn on the inside. But it just doesn't sound like a tyre noise, it sounds mechanical. To me wheel bearing made perfect sense, and I'm a bit pissed off it's not that tbh.
Registered: 26th Aug 07
Location: Brawdy/Wirral
User status: Offline
| may be the gearbox. The diff may be coming to the end of its life. Sure sounds like there is nothing else to suggest.
The wheel isnt rubbing on the arch or anything is it, and the ARB is tight?
Registered: 30th Aug 07
Location: Leicester
User status: Offline
Gearbox feels all nice and smooth tbh. Only 88k miles on it. Wheel isn't rubbing.
And havn't checked ARB, it is fairly old and crusty though.