Registered: 10th Jul 08
Location: Northampton England
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anyone know what front seats fit in a corsa with just swapping over subframes?
M666TT C
Registered: 17th Jun 08
Location: Orpington, Kent
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Registered: 10th Jul 08
Location: Northampton England
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all calibra and cavalier ones?
not a fan of the leather ones, every has them nowadays and i didnt like them in the cavalier i had
Gareth F
Registered: 16th Jan 08
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The back was a bitch to swap and was so uncomfy.
But to be honest i dont think there was much difference.
For some reason it felt like the tigra sub frames wound down alot further than my sport drivers one
M666TT C
Registered: 17th Jun 08
Location: Orpington, Kent
User status: Offline
have you got tigra back seats in your corsa???
why the hell have you done that anyways?? your technically just removing the middle seat? lol 
[Edited on 21-02-2009 by M666TT C]
Registered: 20th Sep 08
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errrm corsa 
tigra, cav , cally, vectra.
Also monaro possibly but not sure
Gareth F
Registered: 16th Jan 08
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No pics but it does now belong to someone near me so might try to take a photo at some point. The bottom pads are velcro and just stick to the carpet but the back was difficult, split the tigra plastic back rest in half, strip the corsa back rest to the metal back piece, bolt the front part of the tigra back rest section to the corsa back part of the metal back rest bit, then use upholstery foam the cut into blocks to fit either side of the tigra back rest part as its not as wide as the corsa back rest then cover them in black fabric. But due to the back rest angles being different it was not comfy to say the least but it looked cool lol.
Sorry if its hard to follow but it was complicated.
Registered: 23rd Feb 09
Location: Witham, Essex
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do they bolt strait in or is there mods needed ??
Premium Member
Registered: 12th May 06
Location: Newbury, Berks
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i assume we are talking Corsa B?
i fitted Astra Sport seats

providing the age of the Vuax donor car is similar to that of the Corsa i wouldnt be surprised if they fit in.
the Astra ones were a straight swap, four bolts out, seat comes out, Astra seat goes in, four bolts done back up!
[Edited on 24-02-2009 by Fonz]