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Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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and to SQUARE.
pew pew pew pewwwww
Premium Member
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: West Midlands
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I had a bit of road rage yesterday....pull over to outsde lane to go pass a stopping car and a beemer behide me put his foot right down and drove up my ass....i pull over to the left hand lane to let the cunt pass and he gave me a funny look so i gave him a good sign to the fooking tw@t and shouted some abuse out my window.

[Edited on 25-04-2003 by B19 GAV]
pew pew pew pewwwww
Registered: 7th Jun 00
Location: Rossington, South Yorkshire
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I think he is telling porkies, SQUARE is a batty boy........
Stop picking on the kosovens cos I bet he was cooler then you
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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why is everyone getting the tit on about this? they are kosovans so they deserve some abuse imo
he clearly didnt know how to drive. he was up my arse for (nearly touching my back bumper) roughly a mile and then he cut me, and several other people up a couple of times each
i think i did the right thing cos he stopped driving like a twat after i had a go at him
des- gtf and go learn how to put wheels on properly. left for loose, right for tight. learn it you loser
Registered: 18th Mar 01
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I never make the mistake of getting out the car. This could have fatal consequences.
Registered: 3rd Nov 02
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quote: Originally posted by Desmond
Stop picking on the kosovens cos I bet he was cooler then you
bet he wanted ur belly sir porkalot
square, u whopper! kosos can't afford motors! 

i eat babies! get in ma belllllyyyyyy
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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gtf krang i dont know who you are
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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i actually find it funny , they should not even b here in the 1st place so it deserves them right!!!!!! , if they want here in the 1st place taking our taxes ,letting there brothers in ,it wud`nt happen to them wud it . go on square!!!!!!!!
Registered: 9th Dec 02
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i know kosovans waste of space and all. and i can undastand u gettin mad and wanting to fuck him up. Everyone gets like that. I do all the time. So i'm being a bit hypocritical .but..... think bout it, What you gonna gain getin out and starting on him. For all u know he culd of stabbed you, could of got u dun for assault, could of woteva.. Not having a go at you, just saying.
Registered: 12th Jan 01
Location: Stanway, Essex
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i was joining a motorway tuesday and i was doing about 70 on slip road and some cnut in a van wouldnt move over had to slam all on, so i pulled out went alongside, beeped him called him a wanker n drove off, he followed so i decided to see what he was like at traffic dodging he tried got into heavy traffic, i called him a twat, my other half told him where to go n called him a cnut, said my car was shit so i said if thats right catch me neva saw him again
Registered: 1st Apr 02
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what if some spanner had niked ya car while you were getting all hard on the kos guy?
Registered: 2nd Oct 02
Location: Luton
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quote: Originally posted by Corsa1zero
what if some spanner had niked ya car while you were getting all hard on the kos guy?
That would hav been rather funny. If u wanna c shite drivers u should cum to Luton and check out da damn Afghanistans. How they pass is beyond me
Registered: 12th Jan 01
Location: Stanway, Essex
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rip his head off at the neck then the helmet didnt matter
Registered: 12th Jan 03
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Registered: 11th May 02
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some jumped up arsehole had a go at me yesterday.
i was in the right filter lanne to turn right had my indicator on etc. there is a second set of lights after this again 1 to turn right
3 lanes wide
this knobhead was up my bumper all the way down the road i came to the lights indictoed and everything had chick in the mota she dont like me driving like a nutter!
then a minite later i could turn coz theree was no more traffic and this guy beeps go to go past me starts shoutin at me i couldnt hear him coz i had my stereo on so i give him the finger and drove off!

[Edited on 26-04-2003 by Adam-D]