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Author weight loss

Registered: 28th Feb 04
Location: Howden
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13th May 09 at 21:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DizzyRebel
I train 4 days a week, im not massive but im in better shape than most.

Steady state ketosis isnt really ketosis, as your eating plenty of dietary fats to compensate for the loss of carbs in your diet, and your eating some carbs but just not overloading on them at every meal instead your eating fats for your energy. If you can picture, protein as the building blocks of body tissue, carbs and fats are the workers who put it all together. Actual ketosis is dangerous if you dont know what your doing.

You dont need carbs as a main staple of your diet like most people insist upon. The only time your body will put carbs to good use is upto 2 hours after you train, this is due to low glycogen levels in your liver and your body is super sensetive to insulin. In dumb speak your body can use the extra carbs to fuel accelerated fat burning and shuttle protein and amino acids into broken muscle fibres to aid repair. Any other time and they will be stored as fat, theres no need for them. A Friend of mine won NABBA mr universe without eating carbs, so it works.

Carbs are useful in a diet, but they have a time and a place. At any other point in the day they will just be converted to sugar and stored as fat. Contrary to what lame diet 'experts' lead you to belive, you need to eat fat to loose weight, not carbs. IE a tuna salad and half a cup of almonds will be a perfect meal. tuna on a baked potato with cheese is a bad meal.

Also eatin fats and carbs together (chips and cheese as an example) causes an insulin spike, and both the fat and the carbs will be stored as bodyfat and very little will be put to good use.

what counts as dietry fats then? and what sorta stuff do you eat? ie instead of carbs?

Registered: 2nd Jan 09
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13th May 09 at 23:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Dietary fats are split into 3 groups: Saturated, mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated; you need an equal balance of all 3 really.

Saturated Fats:
Animal fat (found in meats)
Coconut oil

Monounsaturated fat:
Extra virgin olive oil
Nuts and peanut butter

Polyunsaturated fats
Flax seeds/oil
Fish oil
Nuts and Peanut butter
Vegetable oils.

Heres how i would structure a daily meal plan spread over 6 meals:

meal 1:
6 egg omlette with ham and low fat cheese.
1/4 cup brazil nuts

meal 2:
8 oz chicken
1/4 cup raw almonds

meal 3:
8 oz chicken
1/4 cup raw almonds

meal 4: post workout
50g whey
Liquid carbohydrate suppliment, 100g of
1/4cup grapes
1 apple

meal 5:
2 organic turkey patties
5 fish oil tabs

meal 6:
50g whey
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1 tbsp olive oil

At each of those meals id add copious amounts of green veg and maybe a little fruit too, obviously this is just a guideline and you can make your daily diet as simple or complex as you like.

[Edited on 13-05-2009 by DizzyRebel]

Registered: 28th Feb 04
Location: Howden
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15th May 09 at 02:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

fair play to you

Registered: 7th Feb 03
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16th May 09 at 02:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I had an exam today that went great and fell asleep as soon as I got home. I think I will avoid the scales for a week to let the Big Tasty work itself out of my system Weight loss this morning though was 18lbs

Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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28th May 09 at 00:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

22lbs now

Registered: 12th Apr 02
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28th May 09 at 08:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Your surely losing muscle mass at this rate...

[Edited on 28-05-2009 by Xs]

Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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28th May 09 at 18:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

a tiny bit over 2lb a week, its about the upper limit of healthy weight loss rate. Even if I am losing a bit of muscle mass though I dont mind, so long as I've lost enough of the weight that I put on last summer from the non stop partying then I can get back into my exercise plan and healthy eating again. Im so annoyed with myself that I even let it slip in the first place, but uni finishes for good on saturday so I can start sorting out a healthier way of losing/maintaining weight then. Like I said, the crash diet is just cos the summer is coming up, and when Ive lost a few more lbs I will feel comfortable enough to get back down the swimmin gpool again every day

EDIT - This is how I looked when I was just over 10st.

I got up to 12st 10 at the worst but now im back down to 11st 2 again. I wanna get back to that weight though

[Edited on 28-05-2009 by drunkenfool]

Registered: 9th May 04
Location: Jimmy Bennett's la la land.
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28th May 09 at 20:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Crash Dieting? I think you have issues.

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