Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Corsa Redtop, twin 40's, C20LET Eater!!

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Author Corsa Redtop, twin 40's, C20LET Eater!!

Registered: 2nd Jul 08
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1st Jun 09 at 12:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Going to put my car up for sale, Not sure what i should put it up for though! anybody interested and want to make an offer, or give a bit of advice how much you think its worth?

Here is the spec…

Black Corsa Redtop

Not your average Corsa redtop!

This beast is running on twin 40 carbs!

L Reg Corsa SRI!

Only covered 74000 miles!

Registered as 1.4 still, upto new owner to change,

Taxed & Tested!


The car had a new engine fitted just before I got it, and has covered less than 1000 miles since!

Twin 40 Carburettors!
Expensive H&H Ignition system, not cheap cavalier dizzy rubbish!
4-2-1 manifold
Powerflow straight through exhaust system!

New parts fitted include,

New Alternator,
New Battery
New Adjustable Fuel Pressure Regulator
New Oil filter,
New Magnetic oil
New Break Pads
New Sump,
New Sump Gasket,
New Cam cover Gasket,

Engine was flushed through with Vauxhall oil before putting the Magnetic oil in, Not Cheap but the right way to do the job!
Slick 50 was also added during the oil change

Also Have a custom Airbrushed cam cover which just needs the oil return opening back up as it was blocked off . (See pics of the cam cover, it currently has the black one on though.

Engine has an Ignition Cut Switch on the clutch pedal, enabling full throttle gear changes, or if you tap it while driving can make the car pop,


I have a 26mm Heavy duty anti roll bar to help with cornering which I will include in the sale!
Also has been slammed about 70mm!
She is rolling on 15” alloys which have been painted black to help with the whole “sleeper” appearance

Running Gear

Car has a F18 Gearbox fitted which is a very rare Calibra, Which is much stronger than the F16 Gearbox and is a short ratio gearbox too!

LMF Vauxhall 288mm Big Brake upgrade( not re-drilled 5 stud discs)! These are the biggest braked you can fit under 15’s! Just had new pads fitted costing 90 Pounds

Body Work

Boot has been professionally smoothed, and is not all cracking out like most of the bodge jobs out there!

Front Angel eyes just fitted makes the car look fantastic!(not pictured)

Has a nice subtle SRI Spoiler

Also New Show number plates


Stripped out to save weight, (Still have back seats and cards if required)
Front door cards still fitted for that little bit of extra comfort

Front seats are custom Cobra Monico bucket seats in cream and black leather!

Sony CD player, and JBL Speakers, Cd player is getting on abit, but still works!!

Genuine Vauxhall mats, for front & back

Also has a racing steering wheel fitted which really finishes the whole race look


Sparkrite Alarm fitted which has lots of features which include

Central locking!
Voltage monitoring
Shock sensor
Door sensors
Ignition sensor
Interior movement sensor
Couple of bad bits...

RPM gauge needs connecting, really easy todo im told!
Also heater fan doesnt work, may just be a fuse!

Phenomenally fast!

Much faster than my mates 2.0 turbo Tigra!!

If driven gently its really not that bad on petrol either!

Fantastic overall Car!!

[Edited on 01-06-2009 by Ross_Mac]

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Corsa Redtop, twin 40's, C20LET Eater!! 25 database queries in 0.0126162 seconds