Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Corsa sport 1.4 16 v 1.6 head arden blue

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Author Corsa sport 1.4 16 v 1.6 head arden blue

Registered: 11th Jan 09
Location: Seaham, County Durham
User status: Offline
13th Jul 09 at 09:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Make - Vauxhall
Model - Corsa
Engine - 1.4 16v with 1600 head
Mileage - 75000
Price - 900

Location - (same as my profile)
Contact phone number - 07590219438
Contact email address -

General information - this arden blue corsa has had a new engine put in it was a 1.4 but the head gasket wen tso it was cheaper to buy a new engine the engine i bought had a full 1600 head on it so with a bit of light tuning it could be really good and fast. it has a pipercross induction kit. it has a white debadged grill . this car does need a bit of work on it but with a bit of tlc and some car this could be perfect. i needs a loing home it isnt bad on insurance it has had like 5 owners but tht is because we had to change the neame over thrugh the family as my brother lost his licence and then my dad had to insure it and things so it needs to go i am ready for a new leace of life willing to px for a vw golf mk4 but would prefer cash come have a look or ask for pictures.
need any more info just ask thankyou

[Edited on 13-07-2009 by adski91]

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Corsa sport 1.4 16 v 1.6 head arden blue 25 database queries in 0.0103478 seconds