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Author Palm Pre.. available October 16th

Registered: 19th May 07
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8th Oct 09 at 23:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So the Palm Pre is available from the 16th October, exclusively on O2. Just like with the iPhone however the contracts are expensive, I said to myself I wouldn't get one due to the price, but damn, I really want one and am pretty decided on the fact that I am going to go for it, whatever the shafting.

From what I've read and watched the main downers are the lack of an onscreen keyboard - apparently a big annoyance when browsing the web in landscape. Also, it only has a 3.2 megapixel camera, limited camera functions and no currrent ability to video record, as well as a lack of app support. Battery life isn't amazing either. It's got pretty much everything else I want in a phone though - capacitive touchscreen, wifi, gps, good browser, threaded messaging, camera flash.

I know there's a lot of iPhone love around, and as much as I think it's a great piece of kit, it's never been for me, and I have an iPod Touch anyway. So, just wondering, is anyone else thinking about a Pre?

There are other phones tickling my fancy, but I'm always finding a fault, as shown in the brackets!

- Sony Ericsson Satio (resistive touchscreen)
- Sony Ericsson Aino (capactive touchscreen but limited to use in landscape with media functions)
- Nokia N900 (resistive touchscreen, bulky)
- Motorola DEXT (Motorola, no flash)

[Edited on 09-10-2009 by jezza]

Registered: 8th Oct 03
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9th Oct 09 at 07:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Look at all the top new phones:

HTC Magic
HTC Hero

None have good camera or a flash. It seems to be a trade off you make atm. I know the N97 has a flash but it isnt in the same league tbh.

The Pre does look very good but I am waiting for the new Sony Ericsson Android device, has alot of potential!

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9th Oct 09 at 18:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Doug
Look at all the top new phones:

HTC Magic
HTC Hero

None have good camera or a flash. It seems to be a trade off you make atm. I know the N97 has a flash but it isnt in the same league tbh.

The Pre does look very good but I am waiting for the new Sony Ericsson Android device, has alot of potential!

That's true actually mate. Sony Ericsson Satio being the upcoming exception to the rule.. 12 megapixel camera, just a shame it's not Android or webOS based!

No-one else fancy some Pre goodness?

Registered: 19th Nov 08
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9th Oct 09 at 18:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

As mentioned by Doug, there are some good phones coming out, this one included.

Lack of some features makes me wonder why they bother releasing the phone without adequate software

edit; o2 are shafting people with crap tariffs like with the iPhone. Personally I'd wait for a network to start selling them on PAYG and get a decent sim-only deal.

[Edited on 09-10-2009 by noshua]

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9th Oct 09 at 18:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by noshua

Lack of some features makes me wonder why they bother releasing the phone without adequate software.

Mental isn't it, same old story with the iPhone's original release.

Devs on the web have made homebrew fixes for the keyboard and video recording (which is especially mighty impressive), but I hope Palm provide an official update, if I knew they would be ironing out the issues, I'd slap the money down now.

Registered: 8th Sep 01
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10th Oct 09 at 08:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

from a historical speaking point of view, the palm will be god awfull. And lord help you if it goes wrong.

Get an iphone.

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10th Oct 09 at 16:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jambo
from a historical speaking point of view, the palm will be god awfull. And lord help you if it goes wrong.

Get an iphone.

Don't really know much about Palm's past, I know obviously they did handheld devices and the like.. what happened?

and no the iPhone

Registered: 8th Sep 01
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10th Oct 09 at 17:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

They where pants. A hardcore following of old Dr types who didnt understand how to use windows etc....
If it broke (which they ALL did) then you had to send it to Argentina or columia or something

Barge pole tbh.

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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10th Oct 09 at 19:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

agreed with jambo. but also the iphone got slated to shit for lacking features that the palm lacks again, and palm just isnt iconic enough for people to look past that
Neil Dagens

Registered: 14th Apr 07
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10th Oct 09 at 19:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i quite like the look of this

but not seen many reviews

Registered: 19th Nov 08
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11th Oct 09 at 00:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It makes me laugh when Internet homebrewers make the simpliest of features available. No video recording is ridiculous, same reason I never jumped on the iPhone band waggon as soon as it was released, lack of features.

Wait for bugs and features to be ironed out / added!

Edit; I wad also waiting for this phone to be released and was going to purchase it, for many of the reasons mentioned in this thread I didn't bother waiting and bought something else instead.

[Edited on 11-10-2009 by noshua]

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11th Oct 09 at 10:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The fact that 3rd party apps (no need to unlock the phone or jailbreak) won't void your warranty and isn't illegal, gives the pre a big advantage. Plus Adobe are giving the Pre Flash, something that the iPhone won't be getting for a while (i doubt it will ever happen tbh). And installing features (patches) that allow onscreen virtual keypad, landscape modes, bigger launcher (ie: iphones springboard) is a piece of piss, just install preware or webOS Quick Install.

Although i agree it does lack spec-wise, a decent camera wouldn't have gone a miss nor a bigger screen etc, but compared to the iPhone, which is its main rivalry, it is pretty much bang on when comparing specs.

If the tarrifs weren't so shite on O2 i would happily get one on Launch date and say bye bye to the iPhone....

noshua - I'm sure why you're putting the pre down, you're laughing at the fact Homebrewers are adding simple features and you find the lack of features like video-editing (seriously?! whos needs to edit videos on their phone, it's not even that great on the iPhone) yet seem to be forgetting that Apple didn't add a lot of features until 3 years in with their OS3.......the palm pre is only just 3 months old!

[Edited on 11-10-2009 by Dom]

Registered: 8th Oct 03
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11th Oct 09 at 10:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Neil Dagens
i quite like the look of this

but not seen many reviews

LG + Windows

Registered: 19th Nov 08
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11th Oct 09 at 16:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dom
The fact that 3rd party apps (no need to unlock the phone or jailbreak) won't void your warranty and isn't illegal, gives the pre a big advantage. Plus Adobe are giving the Pre Flash, something that the iPhone won't be getting for a while (i doubt it will ever happen tbh). And installing features (patches) that allow onscreen virtual keypad, landscape modes, bigger launcher (ie: iphones springboard) is a piece of piss, just install preware or webOS Quick Install.

Although i agree it does lack spec-wise, a decent camera wouldn't have gone a miss nor a bigger screen etc, but compared to the iPhone, which is its main rivalry, it is pretty much bang on when comparing specs.

If the tarrifs weren't so shite on O2 i would happily get one on Launch date and say bye bye to the iPhone....

noshua - I'm sure why you're putting the pre down, you're laughing at the fact Homebrewers are adding simple features and you find the lack of features like video-editing (seriously?! whos needs to edit videos on their phone, it's not even that great on the iPhone) yet seem to be forgetting that Apple didn't add a lot of features until 3 years in with their OS3.......the palm pre is only just 3 months old!

[Edited on 11-10-2009 by Dom]

No no, I'm putting the Pre down at all, i'd much rather have a Pre than most other phones (if not all?) but the lack of certain features is quite silly, the lack of current (yes it's only 3 months old) applications that are 'as good as' the iPhones also puts me off for the time being. I agree that video-editing is almost a gimmick feature. Don't forget that the iPhone took almost 2 years to get the most simplest of features, copy and paste.

We need the iPhones application database on the Pre, and them to work as well on the Pre.

edit: the keys on the Pre are supposed to be quite irritating to type on, going to have to play about with them in the o2 store.

[Edited on 11-10-2009 by noshua]

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11th Oct 09 at 17:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dom

Although i agree it does lack spec-wise, a decent camera wouldn't have gone a miss nor a bigger screen etc, but compared to the iPhone, which is its main rivalry, it is pretty much bang on when comparing specs.

[Edited on 11-10-2009 by Dom]

Just in regards to the specs you mentioned, although the 3.2 megapixel isn't that much, I can live with that, my Sony Ericsson K800i was the same and the shots were great. At least I'm hoping it'll be an improvement on my HTC Touch HD - supposedly 5 megapixels, but produces shite results, though that's probably the sensor.

The Pre screen is 3.1 inches I believe.. only 0.4 inches less than my iPod touch, I'm sure that'll be fine.

I still really want one when they come out, I know it's a risky/expensive purchase! I will be extremely gutted if it came out on PAYG or another network where they don't bum you with the tarriffs.

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16th Oct 09 at 16:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Got my Pre. It is sexy. That is all for now.

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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16th Oct 09 at 17:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by jezza
Got my Pre. It is sexy. That is all for now.

Jealous What do you think of it? Any problems? You used an iphone, and comparisons?
Get yourself over to and, loads of mods for the OS, apps, themes etc.

I really really want one though, but the tarrifs are completely wank. Will keep an eye on ebay and see what there like....

Registered: 19th May 07
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16th Oct 09 at 20:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dom
Originally posted by jezza
Got my Pre. It is sexy. That is all for now.

Jealous What do you think of it? Any problems? You used an iphone, and comparisons?
Get yourself over to and, loads of mods for the OS, apps, themes etc.

I really really want one though, but the tarrifs are completely wank. Will keep an eye on ebay and see what there like....

It's great mate. No problems yet, the slider was a bit stiff at first but after a few open and closes is slick now. The only annoying thing I've noticed is that it sync'd my phone contacts and Facebook contacts, so now I have 400+ people in my phonebook Bit annoying, think I'll remove the Facebook link.

Cheers chap I will check them out, I tried to put Preware on earlier so I could get the virtual keyboard, but got bogged down with the instructions.

Comparison wise, I haven't got an iPhone but I have got an iPod Touch, the screen is definitely just as awesomely responsive, pinching and zooming is on par too. Internet browser is equally awesome, it beat my iPod for speed in a side by side wifi test. App Catalog is pretty barren though!

The keyboard is taking some getting used to, and I desperately need to get some kind of screen protector on it as well. Very happy at the mo though, will be even more when Preware is up and running on it!

Edit: Preware is go

[Edited on 16-10-2009 by jezza]

Registered: 10th Sep 03
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17th Oct 09 at 21:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It can't take a video and the camera is shit. This makes it a crap phone.

That was some kind of a joke btw.

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19th Oct 09 at 09:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

True and true. It'll come in a future update though

Was worried about battery life, but I took it with me to Blackburn v Burnley yesterday on a full charge, txting off it up and down the 3 hour drive from the South (mate was driving!). Took 30 or so pictures with it there, and used the web in short bursts, and had 30% left when I got home at 8, so it's not as bad as I thought.

Can type with the keyboard now as well

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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21st Oct 09 at 22:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

just seen the advert saying its the only phone that does what it does, but everything it mentioned in the advert can be done by pretty much any smartphone :s

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22nd Oct 09 at 10:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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