Rob E
Registered: 1st Jan 06
Location: Madeley, Stafford....I want to live back in Wales!
User status: Offline
The phone has been avaliable for a good few months now and im interested in hearing how your getting on with it/any cool apps your liking.
So far for me, the only let down is the battery life which can really take a hit with some heavy usage.
Programs I'm loving so far are Qtirreco (remote control app) which I have yet to find a tv/xbox/dvd player/sky box/digi box it wont control Also Loving the SNES emulator which runs perfectly, just a little fiddly to control on the N900's keyboard. Hundereds of different applications avaliable now inc. Mozilla and Google chrome too
Premium Member
Registered: 21st Sep 99
User status: Offline
I have only ran out battery once,
Must have apps are;
Navigation is pointless no turn by turn,
Looking forward to OBD software to show car information on it.
Functionally its a step backwards from the N95, but has a bigger screen, worse battery, lack of mms support, shite camera.
Registered: 25th Oct 06
User status: Offline
you can get a speed camera detector app on it now, i also have a funky graffiti skin
Registered: 11th Feb 04
User status: Offline
First phone I've actually used for things other than a phone tbh. The browsing on it is spot on and I download films and use the tv out all the time.
Battery still grinds my gears right enough.
Registered: 25th Oct 06
User status: Offline
my tv out cable only seems to play on my tv in black and white? is there something i am doing wrong?
Registered: 11th Feb 04
User status: Offline
Sounds as if you've set it to NTSC rather than PAL? There's a tv out icon in settings under general I think.
Registered: 25th Oct 06
User status: Offline
ah yes, it was set to NTSC
Rob E
Registered: 1st Jan 06
Location: Madeley, Stafford....I want to live back in Wales!
User status: Offline
There is an app for MMS called fmms in the maemo catalouges somewhere. you need to download another program called fAPN to set up the connection to the mms service but once its done it works great 
Any link to this ODB software you mentioned? I havent heard about this!