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Author ice help sub and amp

Registered: 16th Dec 02
Location: Middlesbrough
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27th May 03 at 00:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i have a pioneer head unit which has a sub port on the back and options to control the sub from on the head unit (on off vol pitch etc)

1)thing is, i can't run a wire from there striaght to sub as the sub needs to be amped. so running a wire from there to the amp and from the amp to the sub would work and i would be able to control from head unit????

2)if i also wanted to run my 6x9's off the amp the amp would have to b a 4 channel amp if it were to power the sub and speakers, but if i did it this way the 6x9's would run off the same function as the sub right???

3)does this mean i would have to have 2x 2 channel amps?? one for the sub running off the sub out from head unit and one running off the speaker wires??

4)is there any other way around this as i dont fancy 2 amps in my boot and having to wire up 2 things??

i would like the sub running off the sub out port (so i get all the options that my head unit offers for the sub) but would like the speakers running off the speaker out ports because they will not run right off the sub out port and if i dont want the sub on and turn it off this would tern my 6x9s off as well! which i dont want! can a 4 chanel amp have 2 inputs going in for sep out channels??

[Edited on 27-05-2003 by KITcorsa]

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