Registered: 19th May 03
User status: Offline
Also, when i bought my car I had Ickle alloys on it, but they are dead on, ive scrubbed them up but they have this plate that covers the wheel nuts and makes them look tidy, BUT the previous owner scored them and as they were painted poorly the pain is coming off.
So i stripped them
And painted them
But they are about a shade too dark now.
So I have two choices, A - try again and hope i can match them or B - Try again and paint the plates red (my car is red) or Black
Would this look Naff? I am thinking of taking pictures of my car and editing the plates in Fireworks to see.... I have the artistic ability of a blind baboon. All advice and any pictures of anyone who has anything similar done would be most gratefull
Kris TD
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Ware, Hertfordshire
User status: Offline
dont paint them red or black.
my dad is in the process of redoing my brothers wheels. its quite simple to do if there isnt many spokes. if you need a list of how to do the whole thing then send me a u2u.
Registered: 19th May 03
User status: Offline
Its not the wheel, its just the plate in the middle. They arent fabulous wheels, and i cant afford any new ones or to have anyone butmyself work on them cos i just payed for a new door and work on it after it was broken into grrrrr
Il have to take some pictures and edit them to see what people think