Registered: 1st Nov 10
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Hi, I bought a 1998 corsa 1.2 sxi yesterday for my first car test drove it and it was perfect so handed over the cash driving home on the motorway the car had just warmed up then the engine management light came on and wouldnt go anyfaster took my foot of the accelerator and it went off, it does this alot when i put my foot down, when it does happen 9-10 times it at roughly 3,000 revs. When the car is just started you can put the foot down but as soon as it warms up the light comes on over and over again. Ive saw on the net ALOT of people have had this problem but so far have not found a geniune answer, Could anyone help me out?
Registered: 25th Jun 09
Location: south wales
User status: Offline
try unplugging the air flow meter and drive it
Organiser: North West and North Wales Premium Member
Registered: 20th May 06
Location: nr. Skipton, North Yorkshire
User status: Offline
Possibly crank sensor, they're known for failing and going open circuit when hot
Registered: 1st Nov 10
User status: Offline
when i unplug the air flow meter the engine management light comes on, i havent tried driving it as im not sure if i will damage anything?
Organiser: North West and North Wales Premium Member
Registered: 20th May 06
Location: nr. Skipton, North Yorkshire
User status: Offline
Yeah the management light is just because the AFM's disconnected. Driving it should be fine, it won't be running at it's best but it's just to find out if it still cuts out so shouldn't cause any problems