Registered: 6th Aug 02
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OK so I'm about to get a new one but my old one still works fine generally, slightly old now (3 years), pretty big and heavy (Dell Inspiron 1720) and can't hold charge but otherwise there's not a huge amount worng with it.
So what can I do with it? I'm woprried about selling duie to a) personal data held on it b) i may have visted some questionable sites or may have inadvertandtly got some kind of virus and i wouldnt want it to ever be taken for repair or summat and something dodgy come back on me or anything and c) new owner turns into a paedo or something and blames dodgy image son comp on me etc etc
i hear you can take out the hard drives and have them crushed professionally (if so, hosuemate may be able to hekp me!) and then maybe sell them on to like an envirofone type org who reycle them etc
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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quote: Originally posted by Robbo
OK so I'm about to get a new one but my old one still works fine generally, slightly old now (3 years), pretty big and heavy (Dell Inspiron 1720) and can't hold charge but otherwise there's not a huge amount worng with it.
So what can I do with it? I'm woprried about selling duie to a) personal data held on it b) i may have visted some questionable sites or may have inadvertandtly got some kind of virus and i wouldnt want it to ever be taken for repair or summat and something dodgy come back on me or anything and c) new owner turns into a paedo or something and blames dodgy image son comp on me etc etc
i hear you can take out the hard drives and have them crushed professionally (if so, hosuemate may be able to hekp me!) and then maybe sell them on to like an envirofone type org who reycle them etc
Are you openly admitting you look at child porn
Registered: 14th Aug 08
Location: West Mids. Drives: Škoda Fabia VRS 5J
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What's the spec of it? What are you rinning on it (i.e XP/Vista?) I may have it off you, but you'll need to do a complete wipe of everythnig first!
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
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no you daft bint, im saying what if somethign dodgy has infected my pc when downloading torrent sor whatever or clicking on links
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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quote: Originally posted by 5dr corsa-3dr_polo
What's the spec of it? What are you rinning on it (i.e XP/Vista?) I may have it off you, but you'll need to do a complete wipe of everythnig first!
XP, spec i forget but could probs find out tonight. not expectign laod sof money for it but it has a new charger, a new mosue and a spanking new dell laptop bag that all came with it nd just seems such a waste to not get owt for it
Registered: 14th Aug 08
Location: West Mids. Drives: Škoda Fabia VRS 5J
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Was goiong to say if it's not holding charge much whip he battery out and leave it on the mains, That's what I've done with my Vaio.
Yeah could you find out the spec asap and I will let you know.
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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keep it, and when you go on holiday leave it setup in the house and hide your other one away, they will steal your shitter assuming thats your pc..
worth holding onto it for 25yrs incase this situation ever happened
Registered: 23rd Dec 08
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Media centre?
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
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quote: Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
keep it, and when you go on holiday leave it setup in the house and hide your other one away, they will steal your shitter assuming thats your pc..
worth holding onto it for 25yrs incase this situation ever happened
oh jimbo
ashleh, no need for one at the mo
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
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quote: Originally posted by 5dr corsa-3dr_polo
Was goiong to say if it's not holding charge much whip he battery out and leave it on the mains, That's what I've done with my Vaio.
Yeah could you find out the spec asap and I will let you know.
will do
Registered: 11th Aug 06
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Take the HD out, stick a second hand one in from eBay and sell it.
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
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does that properly work though in terms of clearing everything off?
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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Just do a multi-pass/zeroing format on the drive (download UBCD, burn to CD then use Darik's Boot and Nuke) then reinstall Windows 
Edit - You'll need to do a fair few passes on the drive so it'll take a while to complete, but it'll be impossible to get the data off without forensics and even then i think if you do a certain number of passes is impossible for them to get the data off.
Edit 2 - Issue with using a second hand drive is that it could be full of peado shite etc so you'll still have to nuke that drive as well. Apart from Boot and Nuke which is 99.9%, only 100% way is buy a new drive and then completely destroy your old drive (thermite is handy for that).
[Edited on 11-11-2010 by Dom]
Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
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just sell without a harddrive on ebay
and dont go on child porn with your new laptop