Registered: 13th Sep 10
Location: tipton west mids drives: corsa 1.6
User status: Offline
dose any 1 knw how to take the heater control face of so i can spray it and while its vhange the bulbs
thanks iv undun the 4 screws but i dont knw wer to go from there
Registered: 19th Nov 08
User status: Offline
Registered: 13th Sep 10
Location: tipton west mids drives: corsa 1.6
User status: Offline
sorry m8 i think thats the rong thread m8 u know were your heater controls are i need that pannel off like to change the bulbs behind it sorry
Registered: 20th Jan 10
Location: Blackpool. Drives: Sapphire Black Mk4 Astra 1.8
User status: Offline
if you've already got the 4 screws out your half way there, there should be 2 screws in the back of the white plastic, unscrew them and unclip the vents from the face and your free
Registered: 13th Sep 10
Location: tipton west mids drives: corsa 1.6
User status: Offline
yh sound i got 2 the bulbs but wen i put the led 1ns in they kept popin my fuse for some reason so i just put it bk 2 geva took me an hour lol then found out the live and earth on the bulb ran both sides ov the led but on the origonals there is just a live on 1 side and earth on the uva so cut the led 1ns down so i got the same conection as the origonal bulbs if you get what i mean im guna have a go at it 2mo so thanks for the help