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Author Wiring advice

Registered: 8th Oct 07
Location: Newton Stewart
User status: Offline
12th Apr 11 at 21:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I am currently in the process of rebuilding my 3 litre v6 corsa and doing all the jobs I wish I had done before I put it on the road, I have used it on the road for around 1000 miles in 3 and a half years as its always been an ongoing project sort of thing.
Anyways I need a little advice on the original wiring behind the dash etc. I have spent hours and hours shortening and losing any unused wiring from within the engine bay and then moved the ignition module thing inside the car up behind the dash so the engine bay looked less cluttered and then moved the battery to the boot and hid all the wiring out of sight.
Today I removed the dashboard and started the task of removing any wiring that is not needed from inside the car, I have a totally stripped interior and do not want any wires on show at all if I can!
I wondered that since I have fitted a 3litre v6 and the wiring from the v6 is present in the car obviously, then do I need the original wiring from the transponder etc or is in useless now? I just wouldn't want to chop it then realise I need it once I get my pistons, big ends, heads etc back and throw the engine back together and cant get it running!
What all do I need for the fuel pump to still work etc?
I look forward to your replys so I can crack on with this never ending project!!
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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12th Apr 11 at 21:55   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Fuel pump and rear end loom needs to travel somewhere, left side as standard as that's where the pump and level sender present themselves.

If you're running the X30 ECU then you won't need the immobiliser transponder.

Are you having electric windows and central locking?

Registered: 8th Oct 07
Location: Newton Stewart
User status: Offline
12th Apr 11 at 22:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thanks for the reply!
My corsa started life as a 1.0 litre poverty model so doesn't have electric windows and I am not that fussy about central locking. It is not a daily and will be used about 6 or 7 times a year so central locking isn't important to me!
I just want everything to look neat and tidy inside as I have spent hours and hours on the engine bay making everything nice and tidy, welding and grinding back little holes everywhere and removing the battery tray and brackets and removing and smoothing the bulk head around the wiper motor etc etc.
So inside has to be the same, alot of people say I should just tuck it up out of the way but I would rather lose it and focus on the bare essentials that I need and tidying them out of sight inside!
I will make a project/progress thread soon!
Thanks again.

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