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Author KizzcorsaB

Registered: 25th Feb 06
Location: Fucking annoying, unfunny, twatbag cavmad *racist
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14th May 11 at 15:09   View User's Profile U2U Member

Someone using 'txt tlk' telling people to 'man up'? The irony was not lost on me I can assure you.

Kizzacorsab: I'm interested in the colour match side of things here (so I believe this post is relevant): when you say the colour match is poor do you mean the colour match all over the bonnet (as I couldn't see anything wrong in the pictures) or the colour match of the bonnet compared to your own car? Because if it's that then you obviously know absolutely sod all about paintwork: the only way to colour match to your's would be to fit the bonnet, have it sprayed and then belnded into to the wings and possibly the bumper. Any bodyshop spraying to match would use a colour 'chip' guide and they would have a few for each colour.

Registered: 2nd Apr 11
Location: County Down
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14th May 11 at 15:09   View User's Profile U2U Member

I fink both off u need to man the fuck up lol. Kiz u bought the bonnet at night under the wrong lighting, sold as seen nd partyvan u need to grow a set and get yourself a woman! Masturbation will not solve your problems!! Why u bringing kizzas woman into this? Grow up!

Registered: 6th Oct 07
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14th May 11 at 15:11   View User's Profile U2U Member

Cavmad does that look like a good bit of paintwork to you?
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Registered: 12th Sep 08
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14th May 11 at 15:27   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member

Colour match isn't that noticeable but I know it's there!
And tbh i should have to go over things with a nit combe if it was told it was flawlessly mint... But stevie wonder must have been telling you what to type at the time! I'm just gonna end this childish shit! You need to grow up a little. As your quite old so act your age abit. Il see you at pvs anyways

Registered: 11th Dec 07
Location: Westleigh, Greater Manchester
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14th May 11 at 15:39   View User's Profile U2U Member

tbf kie Grufman has got a point of going at night.

but at the same time if you get told that something is 'mint' then tahts what you expect and then for him to put something up on here about u is bollocks.

he must be a lonley old homosexual going on about your girlfriend as soon as you message him.

im sure hes done this before on a different site i will have a scan through when i get home

Registered: 21st Feb 09
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14th May 11 at 15:40   View User's Profile U2U Member

Yes you said earlier I was middle aged, damn right, I'm 27

What I think you meant was that I'm able to form coherent sentences, something which you are not. You just mumble, stare at the ground and generally look like you're just a young lad playing at cars. There's nothing wrong with that, just don't try and make out like I've decieved you in any way, shape or form when you saw the items and bought them of your own free will.

I will see you at PVS, although I'd like to see some photo ID before offering you a beer as i dont want to get in trouble

Registered: 21st Feb 09
Location: Nottinghamshire
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14th May 11 at 15:42   View User's Profile U2U Member

Originally posted by stu_c
tbf kie Grufman has got a point of going at night.

but at the same time if you get told that something is 'mint' then tahts what you expect and then for him to put something up on here about u is bollocks.

I said the bonnet has no stonechips whatsoever and is freshly painted zero miles ago. Ok I did drive it for an MOT if you want to be precise but other than that it's a new paintjob.

Originally posted by stu_che must be a lonley old homosexual going on about your girlfriend as soon as you message him.

im sure hes done this before on a different site i will have a scan through when i get home

You couldn't be further from the truth, if you knew me at all from migweb you'd know I've shagged my way through countless fit teenage girls and posted pics/videos to prove Unlucky

Honestly you couldn't be more wrong if you tried

Registered: 11th Dec 07
Location: Westleigh, Greater Manchester
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14th May 11 at 15:43   View User's Profile U2U Member

but as you said they were 'flawlessly mint' and he drove all that way there must be a level of trust from his side and a level of scam from your side. ive seen banger cars with a better finish than that

Registered: 21st Feb 09
Location: Nottinghamshire
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14th May 11 at 15:45   View User's Profile U2U Member

Originally posted by stu_c
but as you said they were 'flawlessly mint' and he drove all that way there must be a level of trust from his side and a level of scam from your side. ive seen banger cars with a better finish than that

Sorry where did I say that?

Show me where I said that.

Registered: 11th Dec 07
Location: Westleigh, Greater Manchester
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14th May 11 at 15:45   View User's Profile U2U Member

Originally posted by Partyvan
Originally posted by stu_c
tbf kie Grufman has got a point of going at night.

but at the same time if you get told that something is 'mint' then tahts what you expect and then for him to put something up on here about u is bollocks.

I said the bonnet has no stonechips whatsoever and is freshly painted zero miles ago. Ok I did drive it for an MOT if you want to be precise but other than that it's a new paintjob.

freshly painted?!?!?!? who the fuck painted that? or what the fuck painted that??

Registered: 11th Dec 07
Location: Westleigh, Greater Manchester
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14th May 11 at 15:53   View User's Profile U2U Member

ok i was going off what kizza said

but if you say it has just been 'profesionally painted' and baked in an oven then in my eyes it should be mint or it clearly wasnt professional
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Registered: 6th Feb 08
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14th May 11 at 15:55   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member

Right for starters this thread is getting locked and will be deleted once you've made a new one with just the information we need, you can make a new thread but leave the internet hero talk out, all this slagging off each others birds or what ever isnt called for really is it and makes who ever is saying it look like a cunt.

This section is to sort issues out and let people know your experiences with traders on the site, it's not for having girly arguments about what each other look like.

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