Registered: 9th Nov 05
Location: Middleton - Manchester
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just having a small prob with fuel ,
i have cut all the plugs off the car loom (x12xe) and wired up my 20xe plug , but for some reason its not operating the fuel pump , relay clicks on with ignition etc , i have used the fat red with blue trace and wired it to the fuel pump wire on the xe loom
so my queston is , is this the correct wire from the car loom on a x12xe ? , there are a few small red/blue wires , but thought they would have been for the speedo
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I might get slated, but I ran a wire from my switched live, with a fuse to the relay that is behind the glovebox.
I've got standalone on my engine so I'm not sure what the crack is using the normal loom and ECU.
Registered: 4th May 06
Location: Whickham, Tyne and Wear
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Have you taken out the relay behind the glove box and bridged the red/blue wires together there? for the 20xe you will want the 20xe relay to be operating the fuel pump, and not the 1.2 one which is behind the glove box, small purple one.
Also some xe's dont start the fuel pump till you crank the engine, some prime it with ignition.
Registered: 9th Nov 05
Location: Middleton - Manchester
User status: Offline
^^ always thought all XE only prime when cranking , and no, didnt know there was another relay behind dash ,
do i just join the wires together then to make a circuit back to the pump ? makes sense as to why its not working if the ole relay is still there lol
lol dont have any of these probs with nova's haha
[Edited on 19-07-2011 by Riggy]
Registered: 4th May 06
Location: Whickham, Tyne and Wear
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yep you will need to remove the relay and I use a bit of wire with 2 spade connectors to make the circuit back to the pump.
Registered: 9th Nov 05
Location: Middleton - Manchester
User status: Offline
spot on mate , thanks
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
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quote: Originally posted by Linch
yep you will need to remove the relay and I use a bit of wire with 2 spade connectors to make the circuit back to the pump.
That's exactly how we did my conversion. iirc there are 2 purple relays and plugs behind the glovebox. They're on the left by the door.
You're more than welcome to come have a ganders at my conversion as mine is the same conversion you're undertaking.
I'm only in Moston.
Registered: 9th Nov 05
Location: Middleton - Manchester
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Yeah I might do , I have done endless nova conversions and about 3 corsa conversions , but they have all been into GSIs lol
If your free anytime this week do you fancy swinging by my unit ?
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
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I'm a little busy tomorrow but might be able to drop by after work on Friday or Saturday. When you working on it?
Registered: 9th Nov 05
Location: Middleton - Manchester
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Just had a look at this relay , take it i have to bridge the red and the red/blue , still doesn't run the pump
What about the thin red/blues from the old ecu plug ? Do I need them wired to anything ?
Registered: 28th Jan 09
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Try running the thick red/blue from the glove box relay to the ecu red/blue
Registered: 4th May 06
Location: Whickham, Tyne and Wear
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its the thin red/blue to the xe loom, then bridged over in the glove box, thin red/blue to thin red/blue there opposite each other on the relay base. The thick red/blue is unused.
Registered: 9th Nov 05
Location: Middleton - Manchester
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There is only 1 relay behind the glove box , has thick red , thin red , thick red/blue and a brown ish one 
Registered: 4th May 06
Location: Whickham, Tyne and Wear
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should be 3 relays, its a purple one should have 2 red/blues going to it.
Registered: 9th Nov 05
Location: Middleton - Manchester
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On the old ecu plug that I cut of there is
2 small red/blue
1 small blue/red
1 brown
1 brown/ blue - wired to xe loom for ecu light
1 black - wired to xe loom for ig live
1 small red
1 green - wired to xe loom for rev counter
1 brown/ white
1 brown/ black
1 brown/ red
Then on the other plug I cut of there was
1 thick red/blue - wired to xe fuel pump wire
1 blue - wired to temp sender
1 blue/ green - wired to oil pressure switch
Have i used a wrong wire some where ?
Thanks for all your help aswell
Registered: 4th May 06
Location: Whickham, Tyne and Wear
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Riggy
On the old ecu plug that I cut of there is
2 small red/blue <<<< one of these will be slightly thicker than the other, thicker one of the two to xe loom
1 small blue/red
1 brown
1 brown/ blue - wired to xe loom for ecu light
1 black - wired to xe loom for ig live
1 small red
1 green - wired to xe loom for rev counter
1 brown/ white
1 brown/ black
1 brown/ red
Then on the other plug I cut of there was
1 thick red/blue - wired to xe fuel pump wire <<<< Wrong
1 blue - wired to temp sender
1 blue/ green - wired to oil pressure switch
Have i used a wrong wire some where ?
Thanks for all your help aswell
Registered: 9th Nov 05
Location: Middleton - Manchester
User status: Offline
So If I swap the big wire for one of the 2 smaller wires , what do I need to do with the old relay , it only has big red/blue , big red , small red and a brown with something ( can't remember )
Registered: 3rd Jun 08
Location: Ballycastle
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I'm doing this on mine at the weekend, sounds like a right ball ache.
Someone should write a detailed guide up 
Registered: 9th Nov 05
Location: Middleton - Manchester
User status: Offline
its not actually that bad , its just wired how our car only had 1 relay behind dash , which ive learned now is for the injector on the x12xe , since i used that wire i just pulled it back through loom and tapped into the fuel pump wire where the dash loom joins the car loom
im using a early xe loom so that i have the plugs in the bay to keep it removable