Registered: 10th Sep 08
Location: scotland
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hi, popping a post up for me mate, his car doesnt seem to start, so i got the multi meter out and the batt reads 12.6 switched off and 12.9 when bump started(running) first thought was altinator, so changed it, still doing the same, but it now reads 14.4 while running now, which its suppose to i think? can anyone shed anymore light on possibilitys? thanks
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Registered: 30th Mar 10
Location: Nottingham
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Not tried changing the starter motor?
Registered: 10th Sep 08
Location: scotland
User status: Offline
the starter turns . its as if the batt is dead, but it still reads 12.6 volts when off, it trys to start then just clicks as if its dead, strange, put jump leads on it and it takes a bit to start to get power to it, also noticed once trying to start the boot lock clicks? and when its running, if you rev it the lights go brighter,
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Registered: 30th Mar 10
Location: Nottingham
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That last bit sounds like maybe a voltage regulator?? Make sure all earths are good, new battery or known working well one, and known working alternator
Registered: 10th Sep 08
Location: scotland
User status: Offline
the batt is a good known one that was in a diesel , the alt must be working properly as i didnt get 14.4 volts before we changed it, now i am, and earths were fine, i noticed , i put the volt meter on the batt and asked him to crank, it went from 12.6 down to 2-3volts within seconds,
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Registered: 30th Mar 10
Location: Nottingham
User status: Offline
that sounds about right :/ has it had a engine rebuild lately? bottom end nutss too tight maybe
Registered: 10th Sep 08
Location: scotland
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nah, no rebuild recently, it used to run fine till about 3-4 days ago
Registered: 9th Aug 05
Location: Dingwall, Highland
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Sounds like an earth problem.
Check all the wires, it's hard to say with it being a conversion, could be some duff wiring there somewhere.
Registered: 10th Sep 08
Location: scotland
User status: Offline
its been non stop problems for him lol, ill have a look at the earths tomorrow , hes trying a new battery again tonight, so shall hear how he gets on
Registered: 10th Sep 08
Location: scotland
User status: Offline
sorted, batt was fucked, but still shown 12.5 accross it,