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Author Italian lakes
Ben J

Registered: 31st Jan 05
Location: Cheshire
User status: Offline
5th Jan 12 at 18:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm jealous now! We've booked our holiday for this summer but said to missus I want to go back to Tremezzo again next year!

Theres a little footpath down the hill straight from the apartments to the road and the waterfront where all the restaurants an stuff are. It is dead handy.

Also theres loads of boats that take you from Tremezzo different places on the lake. They are basically like water buses. Theres a place called Bellagio which is across the lake on the tip of the peninsula worth a visit. Its got awesome ice cream shops and little boutiques etc.

Theres a "road train" too that goes up and down the road by the lake for a few miles each way. Theres a place called Mennagio a few miles down from Tremezzo which was quite cool.

Theres also "Villa Carlotta" in Tremezzo which is an 18th century mansion with nice gardens etc that you can walk round. Jen & I aren't really into old houses and gardens etc but it was quite nice for a mooch round tbh.

In Tremezzo theres nice restaurants etc.

Worth a drive to Swiss border too. Drive to Sighignola which is basically up a mountain and bang on the border between Italy and Switzerland. Theres amazing views over Lake Lugano to Lugano itself and into Switzerland. Theres also remains of a cable car project which was going to link Sighignola to Lugano. It was scrapped due to H&S reasons. When you get up there and see the height and distance you'll understand why!

I'll bang some pics up when I get chance but I took 603 during the 2 week holiday so i'll have to go through them!

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