Registered: 7th Oct 09
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire
User status: Offline
anybody help me with this problem? car runs well every other time just this problem when starting up after being left over night, starts up ok then the revs will rise from 1000rpm to around 2k rpm, sometimes it will slowly climb a bit higher, if I rev it it goes back to settle at 2k rpm, if I turn the car off and restart it it makes no difference, I left it idling for about 5 minutes and it didnt change so I had to drive it like that to work, its only about a 5 minute drive and as I was getting near then end of my journey I notice it was back to normal, idling at 800rpm, when I drive home later it will be fine, what could be causing this problem?
Registered: 7th Oct 09
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire
User status: Offline
also forgot to add, it was hesitating when accelerating when I drove with the high idle
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Registered: 8th Feb 11
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could try cleaning in the throtle or could be idle control from sounds of it or to check if the bottom pully could be loose that happended to me before
Registered: 15th Mar 11
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As scott said plus poss coolant temp sensor ?
Registered: 7th Oct 09
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire
User status: Offline
I've got a brand new genuine CTS so I'll swap that tomorrow and see if that makes a difference, I had the ICV off and cleaned it not long back trying to cure another problem, I've just bought another throttle body as a spare so when it comes I'll try the ICV out of that first before getting a new one
Registered: 25th Jun 09
Location: south wales
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icv id say..give throttle/icv a good clean with carb cleaner... also check for any air leaks
Registered: 7th Oct 09
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire
User status: Offline
well last night after work it was the same so when I got home I had a look under the bonnet, unplugged the icv, no difference, unplugged tps and it went down to 800rpm straight away, plugged it back in and it stayed there, this morning it drove perfect so we will just have to see what happens in the next few days