Registered: 19th Apr 03
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Got a large concrete garage to pull down later in week. Roof is asbestos/concrete panels. What sort of gear should I use? Can you get disposable masks suitable for asbestos ? My plan is to wet both sides . Cut the roof pins and lift off whole if possible. As far as I am aware council take it if double bagged
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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Best thing to do would be to set it on fire.
Registered: 2nd Nov 05
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p2/p3 mask, disposable overalls, rubber gloves etc, got to keep it wet and will need to go into an asbestos bag once it double bagged, never worked with it but type of work im in got to do courses on it every year. wouldnt be me thats for sure id be bringing someone in to do it properly
Registered: 29th Nov 06
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I used to work with it. I remember the Brown stuff being the most dangerous, seconded by blue and then the least dangerous being white. Maybe law is differnet in England but back in Scotland we needed specialist contractors to come in and dispose of it. They had some van with a cleaning unit inside it. Our council didn't take asbestos, had to be taken to a special disposal site in Glasgow, probably a former coal mine.
Registered: 29th Nov 06
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infact there are guidlines on the HSE website on how to deal with it.
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I went on the asbestos awareness course last year and it's most dangerous when it becomes airborne, so best to keep ya mask on and wear clothes that you can throw away after wards, keep it damp while doing it and try and not break it up if possible, have a read online about doing it
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Registered: 23rd Apr 03
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baz love, I dont work with it but have done something similar.
The asbestos on the roof is safe if you don't break it too much. Call your local tip, say what you are doing, they will more than likely tell you to double bag it and bring it in (like with jodie marsh).
Then book a time to take it down.
My father worked with asbestos for 40 years, he reckons its the biggest scam he's known. Just take care.
Registered: 19th Apr 03
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Yeh I know I'll wear old clothes and sling them. Googled dusk mask and they are nearly 50quid each. My plan is to bolt crop a row and work from above. I'll bob in and see council. Pete I've heard it's safest of the lot which is only reason I'd attempt pulling building down . If it was any of others I wouldn't touch it
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Hose it down, try not to break it up, don't be a fanny and get stuck in!
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spray it with water and pva mix a for a couple of days before hand
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The bloke at work did, unfortunately he's dead now asbestosis.
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quote: Originally posted by micra_pete
My father worked with asbestos for 40 years, he reckons its the biggest scam he's known. Just take care.
thats because it takes years to show... could be fucked inside for all he/you know
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What John said. There have been cases where it's taken 30 years to show up.
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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Wouldn't go anywhere near it, fuck having health problems later in life because you worked with asbestos.
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Registered: 23rd Apr 03
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quote: Originally posted by john-d
quote: Originally posted by micra_pete
My father worked with asbestos for 40 years, he reckons its the biggest scam he's known. Just take care.
thats because it takes years to show... could be fucked inside for all he/you know
He's knocking on for 85.
Whilst people who worked with it heavily were hit hard, asbestos is not the deadly killer the specialist removal companies would have you believe. The solid types used on garage roofs are safe.
I assume none of the people saying it will kill you in later life drink or smoke?
Registered: 19th Feb 04
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Get an asbestos contractor in. Not worth the risk doing it yourself.
Registered: 29th Nov 06
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White asbestos "Chrysotile", can be found in buildings built anywhere up to 1999. As said it above it is lowest risk, but its still a risk!! Wouldn't be banned for no reason! We had a guy at work that was diagnosed with asbestosis thought to have been caused by his time as a volunteer fireman!
Registered: 19th Apr 03
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i thought white and cement based were two different types ? isnt there only a fraction in the roof sheets
Registered: 22nd Aug 11
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my grandad died of asbestosis about 5 years ago after a long painfull death. the coroner said he had cancer in just about every part of his body from the asbestosis
Registered: 20th Jun 06
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Drinking and smoking are seen as enjoyable though, not sure how exciting inhaling asbestos is
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Two mates work in London 5 days a week getting rid of it, they're on more money than another mate on the rigs.
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quote: Originally posted by micra_pete
quote: Originally posted by john-d
quote: Originally posted by micra_pete
My father worked with asbestos for 40 years, he reckons its the biggest scam he's known. Just take care.
thats because it takes years to show... could be fucked inside for all he/you know
He's knocking on for 85.
Whilst people who worked with it heavily were hit hard, asbestos is not the deadly killer the specialist removal companies would have you believe. The solid types used on garage roofs are safe.
I assume none of the people saying it will kill you in later life drink or smoke?
I was told the same thing by my teacher's at colleges as micra_pete is saying.
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Registered: 23rd Apr 03
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quote: Originally posted by Eddx14xe
I was told the same thing by my teacher's at colleges as micra_pete is saying.
Don't tell the courts that when you have asbestosis     
Registered: 4th Jun 02
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Everyone is exposed to Asbestos every day, so everyone has a chance to get asbestosis at some point in their life, they probably just dont realise. As someone else mentioned, asbestos products were legally sold until 1999 (Most Corsa B's probably came with brake pads made using asbetos!) - I think the people most at risk (who don't work directly near asbestos) are the people who use the London Underground, I'm sure i remember reading an report saying the asbestos dust level was 10x greater in the London Underground than above ground.
Back on topic, If you want to take the risk, as people say, try not to break it up, keep it damp and double bag everything - you'll probably be less at risk than changing a set of brake pads on a 1993 Corsa!
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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My nan smoked and didnt die from cancer, therefore smoking doesnt give you cancer.